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Arrest of Chinese spy: Call to beef up Dalai Lama’s security
Posted: Aug 18, 2020 07:11 AM  Updated: 2 days ago

Tribune News Service
Dharamsala, August 17

The arrest of a Chinese national from Delhi yesterday, who was allegedly involved in a Rs 1,000-crore hawala racket and was spying on the Dalai Lama, has evoked a strong reaction from the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA). He was arrested from the Majnu-ka-tila area, which is a hub of activities of Tibetans-in-exile.

CTA deputy speaker Acharya Yeshi Phunsok, in a statement issued here today, said, “Chinese nationals can never be trusted. He had come here for a trade, but was spying on the Dalai Lama and was involved in illegal activities. We are already alert. Whenever we organise any programme, Chinese spies come in disguise of media personnel. Though we know about them, we cannot initiate any action as they have a valid visa from the Government of India.”

“We do not know what damage the spy has done to India and the security of the Dalai Lama. We and the Indian government are already alert on the security of the Tibetan spiritual leader. The Indian government should not trust Chinese nationals. I hope this arrest comes as an eye opener for it,” he added.

Following the arrest of the Chinese man, various agencies in Dharamsala started gathering information regarding the likely visits of the accused to the headquarters of the Tibetan government in exile and the Dalai Lama. The demand for increasing the security of the Tibetan spiritual leader has also been raised. Currently, he has a two-tier security system. It is being managed by personal security of the Tibetan leader and a state police unit headed by a DSP-rank officer.

SP, Kangra, Vimukt Ranjan said he had not received any official information from the Delhi Police regarding the arrest of the Chinese national as of now. When asked about the security of the Dalai Lama, he said it was always their top priority.

品葱用户 阿斯妙特灵 评论于 2020-08-20

Hindustan Times


Concerns over Dalai Lama’s security after Chinese spy’s arrest in Delhi
Lau Sang or Charlie Peng, who is accused in a ₹1,000 crore hawala racket, allegedly bribed some Tibetan monks living in Majnu-Ka-Tila, a Tibetan settlement in Delhi, to gather information on the Dalai Lama and his close aides
Updated: Aug 17, 2020 23:26 IST
By Naresh K Thakur, Hindustan Times/Dharamshala

The exiled Tibetan community residing here has expressed concern over the Dalai Lama’s security after a Chinese spy, who was allegedly snooping on the spiritual leader, was arrested in Delhi recently.

Lau Sang or Charlie Peng, who is accused in a ₹1,000 crore hawala racket, allegedly bribed some Tibetan monks living in Majnu-Ka-Tila, a Tibetan settlement in Delhi, to gather information on the Dalai Lama and his close aides.

Sang, who was holding a fake Indian passport, created a web of sham companies to launder hawala funds and paid ₹3 lakh each to some monks in Majnu-Ka-Tila to spy on the Dalai Lama.

Deputy speaker of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok, on the sidelines of a press conference, said it was a concerning matter and the Government of India should stay alert.

“Chinese come here for trade, but the real motive remains something else,” he said.

Though he was caught, he must have sent some vital information not only about the Dalai Lama or the exiled government, but also about the Indian establishments to his handlers, added Phuntsok.

He said it was not the first instance of China sending a spy to snoop on Dalai Lama.

“Whenever we hold some programme in Delhi or other places, they come under the garb of media personnel. We can’t prevent their entry as they are given visa by the Indian government,” said Phuntsok.

He said the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), its security department and state agencies looking after the Dalai Lama’s security details were fully alert.

Reportedly, a man of Tibetan origin was arrested in Dharamshala in 2013 for spying for China. Later, it was revealed that he was working as a double agent and was on the rolls of Indian intelligence agencies.


Meanwhile, veteran BJP leader and former chief minister Shanta Kumar has expressed deep concern over the matter and demanded that the centre and state governments ramp up Dalai Lama’s security.

“It is quite disturbing that a Chinese agent was residing in India for such a long time carrying out hawala transactions and snooping on the Tibetan spiritual leader,” Shanta said in a statement issued here. He suggested chief minister Jai Ram Thakur to meet officials in Delhi and seek a thorough probe into the racket.

品葱用户 瑤瑤不是謠謠 评论于 2020-08-20


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