美国退伍军人Jacob Gardner正当自卫击毙一名黑人被网络暴力自杀
https://www.douban.com/doubanapp/dispatch?uri=/note/778661068/ 美国有一名退伍军人,名叫Jacob Gardner。深受战争打击的他,有严重的ptsd,心理状态始终非常不好。在今 …
-Gonna get him. Oh wait on, I’ll just get this guy.
-Um excuse me, would you mind taking a photo of us?
-Yeah, no problem!
-Thank you.
-Okay! Everybody say “cheese!”
-Oh I’m actually–I’m a vegan. Could you please have us say something else?
-Okay, everybody say… “tofu”.
-Tofu is not actually as good for you as vegan, see, any hospital will tell you that it’s bad for your testosterone levels.
-Okay I’m sorry, how about we all just smile?
-Oh, one more asshole asks me to smile!
-Not really an asshole, takin’ a photo for you, so…
-What is it to smile about anyway?
-O…kay…would you want me to just count backwards from three?
-Oh! Would you like dyslexic people to just not exist!
-My cousin has dyslexia, so, offended.
-Adopted. Don’t even know who my cousins are, so more offended.
-How about this: we all put a word we are comfortable with in our heads, and I’ll get this shot.
-No, it doesn’t sound very inclusive thought does it? I suppose you’d like us all to stand a few meters apart with you stalling?
-Jesus Christ.
-Oh I don’t see what religion has to do with this?
-Well, I’m an atheist, so, majorly triggered.
-Is that a comment on the gun debate? Huh, still trying to control people.
-But it’s not just the people, has anyone thought about the animals?
-Look, this is what we’re gonna do, everybody throw up a peace sign, and I’ll take your photo.
-Wow. Cultural appropriation is alive and well. Why don’t you just ask us to say Kung Fu?
-Guess what? New plan, group selfie, ready, set, go. Boom, and… looks awesome, you’re gonna love it.
-Oh, you took it with the front camera you stupid cyclist dick!
“This would be more funny if it were not painfully reflective of life in 2019. Everyone is offended, everyone is oppressed, everyone is a victim.”
“I’m not laughing because this is reality now”
Before calling me a guy, have you checked if I was a FTM?? Fuck off.
李瑞环** 评论于 2020-10-26
>>如果拍照男和他们是一路货色:Before calling me a guy, have you ch…
习羊羊与灰战狼** 评论于 2020-10-26
通用一般是复数,而且是第二人称。对两个女孩子也可以用hi guys, 因为在办公室用hi girls反而轻佻。但是只有一个女孩,很少有人会说hey see that guy.
https://www.douban.com/doubanapp/dispatch?uri=/note/778661068/ 美国有一名退伍军人,名叫Jacob Gardner。深受战争打击的他,有严重的ptsd,心理状态始终非常不好。在今 …
品葱用户 telsa10 提问于 9/6/2020 近日,USC(南加州大學)Marshall商學院教授Greg Patton在他的傳播學課程上用中文裡的例子“那個”來舉例說明不同語言裡停頓的現象,類似於英文裡的um、er,而被學生舉報說這 …
品葱用户 咸鱼之体 提问于 7/9/2020 https://mobile.twitter.com/stillgray/status/1280890201858949120 品葱用户 pincong123 评论于 2020-07-08 …
品葱用户 阿斯妙特灵 提问于 6/29/2020 〖究竟什么叫政治正确?〗下面两张图给您最直观的感受,以及视觉的冲击 这是2019年某品牌形象代言人,这个叫政治不正确👇 这是2020年同品牌形象代言人,这个才叫政治正确👇 我只能告诉你这个新 …
品葱用户 钟鸣 提问于 10/27/2020 上世纪六七十年代美国可以说面临着一次巨大危机,国际社会上苏联咄咄逼人,美国深陷越战泥潭。国内,美国的那一代年轻人展现出了前所未有的叛逆与放纵,左翼思潮开始在年轻人中大面积流行。所谓的嬉皮士文化很 …