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其中,陆林于2005年以第一作者身份发表在Nature Neuroscience(NN)杂志上题目为Central amygdala ERK signaling pathway is critical to incubation of cocaine craving(Nat Neurosci. 2005 Feb;8(2):212-9)的论文中存在重复使用同一个蛋白质免疫印迹(Western Blot)图片的严重学术不端行为(见附件1)。数月前,该论文通讯作者,美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)国家药物滥用研究所(NIDA)资深研究员Yavin Shaham博士发给药物依赖领域同行的邮件,文中对此学术不端事实认定清楚,目前正等待Nature Neuroscience杂志的处理决定。对于此事,如有疑问,可联系Yavin Shaham博士(yshaham@intra.nida.nih.gov)或Nature Neuroscience杂志主编Kevin Da Silva博士(k.dasilva@us.nature.com)进行证实。虽然如此,NIH,NIDA以及NN至今未作出任何处理或公开回应。


附Yavin Shaham博士来信:

Dear All,

Several of the recipients of the email below forwarded it to me because the 2005 Nature Neuroscience paper with the duplicate images is from a collaborative paper of my lab and Bruce Hope’s lab. We received an email from Dr. Rider about this problem in January. After receiving this initial email, we confirmed that the images were, in fact, duplicates. After this, we notified the NN editor that there was a problem with the western blot images, and then independently reanalyzed the available western blots from the study using the same imaging program used originally, statistically reanalyzed all other behavioral and pharmacology data in the study and sent the results of our reanalysis to the editor. Currently, we are waiting for the NN editorial staff to make a decision about our paper. If any of you have concerns about this matter, please feel free to contact me or Bruce and we will answer any questions regarding our 2005 NN paper.

Yavin Shaham


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