
by Folland, at 30 July 2020, tags : 时事 点击纠错 点击删除
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品葱用户 folland 提问于 7/30/2020


One American coach who worked for the NBA in China described the project as “a sweat camp for athletes.”

The NBA brought in elite coaches and athletic trainers with experience in the G League and Division I basketball to work at the academies. One former coach described watching a Chinese coach fire a ball into a young player’s face at point-blank range and then “kick him in the gut.”

In Xinjiang, players lived in cramped dormitories; the rooms were meant for two people, but a former coach said bunk beds were used to put as many as eight to 10 athletes in a room. Players trained two or three times a day and had few extracurricular activities. NBA coaches and officials became concerned that although education had been announced as a pillar of the academy program, the sports bureaus did not provide formal schooling. When the players – some as young as 13 – weren’t training, eating or sleeping, they were often left unsupervised.

One former league employee who worked in China wondered how the NBA, which has been so progressive on issues around Black Lives Matter and moved the 2017 All-Star Game out of Charlotte, North Carolina, over a law requiring transgender people to use bathrooms corresponding to the sex listed on their birth certificates, could operate a training camp amid a Chinese government crackdown that also targeted NBA employees.

The NBA was able to work out an arrangement by which players at the academy in Zhejiang would be educated at a local international school. But similar efforts in Xinjiang and Shandong were unsuccessful.

品葱用户 lukelee 评论于 2020-07-30



我練到高中,練市運動會都拿不到金牌,所以便放棄運動出國了。現在回頭來看當時的體校同學混得好的做體育老師,或者體校的體制裡混著。混得差一點的保安。混得最差的坐牢。 這個結果是絕對可以看到的,十年體校,文化課全都不及格,練到一身蠻力。有些女運動員興奮劑吃的長腿毛,腿毛比男的還粗,穿絲襪還從洞裡鑽出來。

當然也有非常有出息的, 劉翔。 在一個體校鍛鍊,彼此見過但不認識,年齡差不多但是練習的項目不一樣。

品葱用户 从不卖国恨党 评论于 2020-07-31





品葱用户 海南雞飯 评论于 2020-07-30

我就問問允許“killcops”但禁止“free hong kong" 的NBA,還有“民主鬥士”詹姆斯,敢不敢說兩句?

品葱用户 李瑞环 评论于 2020-07-31


品葱用户 jiuqiupeng 评论于 2020-07-30


品葱用户 求雨鬼 评论于 2020-08-01



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