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**August 15, 2020
Moscow, Russia

Vladimir Putin’s daughter suffered unexpected side effects to the experimental Russian COVID vaccine, and has passed away in Moscow. The Kremlin has yet to make a statement on her death. A source within Russia’s inner circle stated that Putin’s daughter – Katerina Tikhonova – suffered a rise in temperature shortly after her second injection, and then suffered a seizure. Doctors were not able to reverse the side-effects of the vaccine, and she was pronounced dead late yesterday evening.

The Russian vaccine is named Sputnik V, after the first artificial satellite, launched into space by the Russians in 1957. It is also noteworthy that Sputnik is the name of Russia’s International News Station, which has been accused of being a propaganda wing of the Kremlin.

Prior to Katerina’s death, Russian Doctor Sergei Tsarenko stated that releasing the vaccine early was the better out of 2 options. In his opinion, it was better just to move ahead, as opposed to letting people die.

However, Western doctors were fearful of Russia bypassing stage 3 trials and rushing the drug to market, warning it could have devastating effects.

Abram L. Wagner, Professor of epidemiology at the University of Michigan had this to say on a rushed COVID-19 vaccine.

Now it appears, Katerina Tikhonova is the first official fatality of the Russian COVID-19 vaccine. Proving that Sputnik V was not safe, and skipping stage 3 trials was a misguided move on the Kremlin’s part.

The Kremlin is known to spread disinformation, so it is likely it will lie about Putin’s daughter’s death, or else blame her death on something other than the vaccine.



来自俄罗斯高层圈内的消息指出,在第二次注射后,Katerina Tikhonova很快出现发热,病情急剧恶化,医生于8月14日晚宣告她死亡。




如果不是这个原因,而是普京出于挽救自己的权威出发,让Katerina Tikhonova成为牺牲品的话,普京也不会把罪全归在自己身上。



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