
by A12345678, at 01 October 2020, tags : 间谍 留学生 英国 点击纠错 点击删除
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369名中国留学生搭“大学包机”抵英国 网酸:接金主来了


Hundreds of Chinese postgraduate students are to be banned from studying sensitive subjects at British universities as ministers toughen entry rules, The Times understands.

The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office will expand from today the remit of its security vetting for overseas applicants wanting to study subjects relating to national security, amid concerns about the theft of intellectual property.

It is understood that ministers at the national security committee signed off plans for stricter rules earlier this year.

The measures are expected to block hundreds of Chinese students from entering Britain. Visas for those already enrolled will be revoked if they are deemed to pose a risk.

The latest move comes in response to growing concerns in government about Chinese students acquiring technology and knowledge that could benefit the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).

In the US Christopher Wray, the FBI director, accused China of using some “students in the US as non-traditional collectors of our intellectual property”.

In 2018-19 a total of 69,305 students from China were enrolled in research or taking postgraduate degrees in Britain, making up 12 per cent of all postgraduate students.

The government is tightening the rules for checking the credentials of foreign students taking subjects related to national security.

Foreign postgraduate applicants for sensitive subjects must already get a certificate under the academic technology approval scheme (Atas). Applicants from the European Economic Area, America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea and Singapore are exempt.

The Atas scheme applies to 44 subjects, including artificial intelligence, chemistry, physics, maths, computer science and a range of engineering courses. Until now the scheme has focused on subjects that could be used to develop weapons of mass destruction, a government website says.

This was viewed in Whitehall as too narrow and outdated. From today it will be expanded to include “advanced conventional military technology”, such as aircraft and cyber.

From next month the government will also ask applicants to disclose any military links.

Further measures are expected. Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, and Priti Patel, the home secretary, are among cabinet ministers known to support the stronger rules.

A Whitehall source said: “The Atas system is being expanded as security threats are constantly evolving. It’s no surprise that we attract some of the brightest talents from around the world but there are those who would seek to exploit our position as a leader in science and innovation. Today’s changes will help to further protect our national security interests.”

The tighter measures come as a report from the Henry Jackson Society, a foreign policy think tank, found that 900 graduates of Chinese universities allegedly linked to the PLA are enrolled in postgraduate studies at 33 researchintensive British universities.

In a separate analysis, the report found that at least 150 graduates of the “Seven Sons” institutions, Chinese universities accused of links to the PLA, are studying the most “high-risk” subjects at these British universities.

This includes 16 postgraduate students at Oxford University. Some are researching micromechanics, energy storage, nanostructured materials and solid mechanics. Sheffield University also had 16 students from “Seven Sons” institutions studying engineering.

开始慢慢限缩了, 不过有些外国人还在那边觉得说ZF不能这么仇外啊

品葱用户 Adelita 评论于 2020-10-02





品葱用户 **Genzo

Adelita** 评论于 2020-10-02


有什麼弱勢不弱勢, 人家不發簽證給你, 理論上就算什麼理由也不給也可以不發.

品葱用户 **瘟疫法师习近平

Adelita** 评论于 2020-10-02



品葱用户 takkunus 评论于 2020-10-02



品葱用户 **HFirework

瘟疫法师习近平** 评论于 2020-10-01



品葱用户 **Deatholder

Adelita** 评论于 2020-10-02



品葱用户 **恶俗克星张祥如

Adelita** 评论于 2020-10-01



品葱用户 **Adelita

恶俗克星张祥如** 评论于 2020-10-01



品葱用户 井底支蛙 评论于 2020-10-01



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