
by 粵人館, at 23 December 2020, tags : 共产党 爱国 日常 点击纠错 点击删除
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The Chinese Communist Party’s threat to all mankind should be taken seriously by every country, because the Communist Party is not only trying to eliminate a specific United States, but to subvert the democracy of all mankind.
Everyone carefully reviewed public opinion in China before and after Xi Jinping came to power.
In the Hu and Wen era, when everyone talked about democracy, the debate was mainly about the “degree of democracy” and “when should democracy be developed”. . This is also the main rhetoric of the Hu and Wen regime to delay time.
But since the Xi Jinping era, the official guidance of public opinion has become a gradual denial of democracy itself.
They touted China’s economic achievements and tried to prove that China can develop into a rich country without democracy.
They touted China’s military and infrastructure, trying to prove that the centralized system of concentrated power to do big things is the driving force that makes China powerful.
They tout the Internet economy and try to prove that the centralized system of developing technology at no cost is more efficient than the free innovation of the United States.
At the same time, they tried to completely turn liberal democracy into a scourge by comparing the performance of China and the United States in terms of the epidemic. They tried to create the illusion that global democracies died of freedom and only China lived in autocracy.
After a round of moves, not only the liberals and democrats in China were beaten up in the domestic public opinion battle. The Communist Party even focused on expanding its victory, using the inherent freedom of speech in the Western world to insult and insult all the West. The government and people of the country hope to defeat civilization with barbarism.
The Chinese Communist Party will use the virus war to kill the people of democratic countries.
The Chinese Communist Party will use a war of public opinion to destroy the world’s confidence in freedom and democracy.
Democracy, freedom, and the rule of law are not just a set of current systems. They are the fruits of civilization that mankind has explored since the Greco-Roman era. The Communist Party of China tries to show that democracy is worse than autocracy, that freedom kills people, and that the rule of man is better than the rule of law. To be efficient is to subvert the entire human civilization.
Therefore, people of different skin colors, different races, different languages, different cultures, and different countries should unite to eliminate the Chinese Communist Party and defend our way of life, so that our descendants will not be disappointed in us, just like many years ago. Our grandpas are desperately like fascists!


品葱用户 吳小勳 评论于 2020-12-24

可能從中華文明開始下手吧 !!!
慢慢地衍生到各個國家去吧 !!!

品葱用户 CmQ96AQn 评论于 2020-12-24


品葱用户 欽點軍隊經商 评论于 2020-12-24


品葱用户 呆呆加速师 评论于 2020-12-24



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