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为了防止川粉说消息来源不实,这里特截取特朗普总统最爱看的Fox News作引述:

Former national security adviser John Bolton alleges in his upcoming 592-page memoir that President Trump regularly gives “personal favors to dictators he liked,” backed the idea of more concentration camps in China, and asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him in the 2020 election, according to excerpts obtained and published by several media outlets.

Trump also apparently was unaware that Britain is a nuclear power and asked whether Finland is part of Russia, according to Bolton – who also claimed that during Trump’s 2018 visit to North Korea, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo handed Bolton a note saying of Trump, “He is so full of sh–."

“Trump then, stunningly, turned the conversation to the coming U.S. presidential election, alluding to China’s economic capability and pleading with Xi to ensure he’d win,” Bolton wrote. “He stressed the importance of farmers and increased Chinese purchases of soybeans and wheat in the electoral outcome. I would print Trump’s exact words, but the government’s prepublication review process has decided otherwise.”

The president then urged China to “buy as many American farm products as China could,” Bolton wrote, and “Xi agreed that we should restart the trade talks, welcoming Trump’s concession that there would be no new tariffs and agreeing that the two negotiating teams should resume discussions on farm products on a priority basis.”

Bolton also wrote: “Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. According to our interpreter, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do. The National Security Council’s top Asia staffer, Matthew Pottinger, told me that Trump said something very similar during his November 2017 trip to China.”

Bolton went on to say that Trump’s last-minute decision to avoid a stronger retaliation against Iran in June 2019 – including the use of deadly force against soldiers – was “the most irrational thing” he had ever seen a president do.

Separately, Bolton said he met with Attorney General Bill Barr concerning Trump’s penchant for giving “personal favors to dictators he liked,” including in China and Turkey. “The pattern looked like obstruction of justice as a way of life, which we couldn’t accept,” Bolton said.

For example, in May 2018, Trump told Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that “he would take care of things, explaining that the Southern District prosecutors were not his people, but were Obama people, a problem that would be fixed when they were replaced by his people.” That assurance came after Erdogan gave Trump a memo arguing that a Turkish company being investigated by the prosecutors was innocent.

“I am hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my White House tenure that wasn’t driven by reelection calculations.”
— Former National Security Advisor John Bolton

简略概括一下这些内容——博尔顿指出,特朗普曾经为了连任向习近平和埃尔多安这等独裁者请求帮助,甚至“恳求习近平确保帮他获选连任”。还支持了习近平建立新疆集中营的想法,并认为习建立集中营是完全正确的事(exactly the right thing to do)。而在华为和中兴事件中,特朗普为了讨好习近平政权,罔顾商务部长罗斯的结论和制裁方案而是优先考虑赦免对两家公司的罚款与起诉……


品葱用户 羽半禁评 评论于 2020-06-18

为了防止川粉说消息来源不实,这里特截取特朗普总统最爱看的Fox News作引述:

质疑消息来源当然质疑博尔顿自己的言论是否有可信度,扯fox news的虎皮拉大旗对你们的Agenda能有什么好处?


品葱用户 宽衣泼鸡 评论于 2020-06-18


品葱用户 **MusicVioletsS

羽半禁评** 评论于 2020-06-18


质疑消息来源当然质疑博尔顿自己的言论是否有可信度,扯fox news的虎皮拉大旗对你们的Agenda…

]( “/article/item_id-416118#”)

品葱用户 蔡孝乾 评论于 2020-06-18

肯定認為川國瑜 嘴皮子上讓著共匪 發大財 是忍辱負重
有一種就不能接受了 例如之前有新聞說 中共讓紅頂商人高價買川普的樓

我認為他們都會賺中共的錢 但不可能跟中共投降 因為天大地大 遠不如美國本土能給他們的利益更大
美國的農民也一樣 能發財就發財 發中共的財是一時的 到了中美關係你死我活的時候 只有土地才是真的 

台灣政治人物以及部份台灣企業家 他們真的會跟中共投降
中共能給他們的 比台灣能給的還要多


品葱用户 Inazaki 评论于 2020-06-18

Bolton,Mattis 是鹰派也是有脑子的,知道怎样结合手段与目的去遏制新兴强国。而特朗普的选票导向型施压终将损害美国的道德制高点与后冷战集体安全体系。


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