
by Tabris, at 30 June 2020, tags : 香港 点击纠错 点击删除
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The Hong Kong government has hired a global firm that did publicity work for Saudi Arabia to “relaunch” the city following a year of protests as well as economic challenges posed by the coronavirus outbreak.

The Information Services Department (ISD) announced on Monday that Consulum FZ LLC (Consulum) has won the “Relaunch Hong Kong” campaign tender, with a one-year contract worth US$6,289,215. The global strategy and communications consultancy specialises in supporting countries and governments, ISD said.

品葱用户 月刃格 评论于 2020-06-29

那對香港市民不利啊,Relaunch Hong Kong是不是港共那個「香港重新出發」?


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