
by Crench, at 03 October 2020, tags : 北美 肺炎 点击纠错 点击删除
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品葱用户 Crench 提问于 10/3/2020


第一波lockdown的时候还好,挺多学生没抢上回国的机票,虽然人越来越少但是他们回去差不多的时候基本上户外场所已经放开了。这一次独自一人,如果有curfew的话(甚至reduced operation time),那么下班以后就没地方可去了。美国的冬天又是冷而且黑,五点基本上就黑天了。



品葱用户 prmr0906 评论于 2020-10-02


Since you’re talking about America, I’ll answer in English. In America, the lockdown was never that strict and there was no general curfew in the first wave, so it’s not going to be much different in subsequent waves. You will still be able to exercise outdoors, go to the store, and get takeout at a minimum. If you have nothing to do after work and get bored out of your mind, look into volunteer opportunities in the evenings or on weekends. Or get a second job stocking shelves at the grocery store overnight. You’ll get the social interaction you need and contribute to the community this way. Relax, adapt, and be happy. Enjoy a beautiful fall and winter.

品葱用户 ViVi001 评论于 2020-10-03


美国还好吧没人监督没人封门。如果害怕的话,就做好防护,去人少的state park玩玩罗


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