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Defense contractor Honeywell fined $13M for sharing documents with China, other countries

Honeywell has agreed to pay the State Department $13 million after it transferred to other countries — including China — unauthorized technical data on the F-35 and F-22 fighter jets, among other weapon systems.

The defense contractor will pay $8 million in civilian penalties and $5 million on its own “remedial compliance measures” after “unauthorized exports and retransfers” of technical data to Canada, Ireland, Mexico, China and Taiwan, the State Department announced Monday.

The violations included sharing “engineering prints showing dimensions, geometries, and layouts for manufacturing castings and finished parts for multiple aircraft, gas turbine engines, and military electronics,” according to the statement.

Honeywell, which faced 34 charges, voluntarily disclosed the violations, which took place between 2011 and 2015. The Charlotte, N.C.-based company said it “inadvertently shared” the data during “normal business discussions” and “no detailed manufacturing or engineering expertise” was given out.

A Bureau of Political-Military Affairs’ charging document said the data to China consisted of “drawings for certain parts and components for the engine platforms for the F-35 joint strike fighter, B-1B Lancer long-range strategic bomber and F-22 fighter aircraft,” which “harmed U.S. national security.”

Other platforms shared include the F/A-18 Hornet fighter, C-130 transport aircraft, A-7H Corsair aircraft, A-10 Warthog aircraft, Apache Longbow helicopter, M1A1 Abrams tank, the Tomahawk missile and the F135, F414, T55 and CTS800 turboshaft engines.

“Since Honeywell voluntarily self-reported these disclosures, we have taken several actions to ensure there are no repeat incidents. These actions included enhancing export security, investing in additional compliance personnel, and increasing compliance training,” the State Department said.



品葱用户 Meltdown 评论于 2021-05-08


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品葱用户 Natalie 评论于 2021-05-07


品葱用户 steptw 评论于 2021-05-07


品葱用户 **Attackontitan

								Meltdown** 评论于 2021-05-07

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品葱用户 wget 评论于 2021-05-07

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品葱用户 **Attackontitan

								peacefulwaters** 评论于 2021-05-08

>> 你以为山寨就是低科技?阿三盗版药,中国盗版电子产品天下闻名,都是花了钱投入了工程师去逆向工程的…


品葱用户 **Attackontitan

								peacefulwaters** 评论于 2021-05-07

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品葱用户 wget 评论于 2021-05-07

整机图纸也不是霍尼韦尔能全部持有的啊, 霍尼韦尔明显是零部件供应链厂家

品葱用户 **peacefulwaters

								Attackontitan** 评论于 2021-05-08

>> 所以哪怕俄爹卖了匪那么多发动机非也仿造不出来


品葱用户 **peacefulwaters

								Attackontitan** 评论于 2021-05-07

>> 没说是低科技,不过这非常容易形成依赖


品葱用户 **peacefulwaters

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