‘(China is) a place where there are lies everywhere’ ——> Please overturn this conclusion :)?

by Pcpc123, at 28 April 2021, tags : 奥斯卡 点击纠错 点击删除
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品葱用户 pcpc123 提问于 4/28/2021

Chloé Zhao once claimed that China is 

——“a place where there are lies everywhere”,

——“A lot of info I received when I was younger was not true”,

then she became “very rebellious”.

品葱用户 elephanie 评论于

I am not impressed by her declaration. Her statement is not accurate in that it creates a false impression of Chinese people being liars. On the contrary, they are victims of lies spread by the CCP government. The information she received when she was young was not just untrue. It was disinformation by which a totalitarian regime controls people’s mind.

I wish she had the courage to direct her criticism towards the real culprit, instead of being vague about it.

品葱用户 Unkalamo 评论于 2021-04-28

There’s nothing to overturn,  those statements were 100% true even by today’s standards. 

The only issue was she didn’t specify what caused that and why.


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