麻省理工学院分子生物科学家Alina Chan(新加坡裔)质疑病毒来自实验室

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Could COVID-19 Have Escaped from a Lab?


品葱用户 Desperado 评论于 2020-09-10


品葱用户 White_Vinegar 评论于 2020-09-10


品葱用户 tumas 评论于 2020-09-09



In the coming weeks, as the spring sun chased shadows across her kitchen floor, Chan stood at her counter and pounded out her paper, barely pausing to eat or sleep. It was clear that the first SARS evolved rapidly during its first three months of existence, constantly fine-tuning its ability to infect humans, and settling down only during the later stages of the epidemic. In contrast, the new virus looked a lot more like late-stage SARS. “It’s almost as if we’re missing the early phase,” Chan marveled to Zhan. Or, as she put it in their paper, as if “it was already well adapted for human transmission.”

That was a profoundly provocative line. Chan was implying that the virus was already familiar with human physiology when it had its coming-out party in Wuhan in late 2019. If so, there were three possible explanations.

Perhaps it was just staggeringly bad luck: The mutations had all occurred in an earlier host species, and just happened to be the perfect genetic arrangement for an invasion of humanity. But that made no sense. Those mutations would have been disadvantageous in the old host.

Maybe the virus had been circulating undetected in humans for months, working out the kinks, and nobody had noticed. Also unlikely. China’s health officials would not have missed it, and even if they had, they’d be able to go back now through stored samples to find the trail of earlier versions. And they weren’t coming up with anything.

That left a third possibility: The missing phase had happened in a lab, where the virus had been trained on human cells. Chan knew this was the third rail of potential explanations. At the time, conspiracy theorists were spinning bioweapon fantasies, and Chan was loath to give them any ammunition. But she also didn’t want to play politics by withholding her findings. Chan is in her early thirties, still at the start of her career, and an absolute idealist about the purity of the scientific process. Facts were facts.

品葱用户 billzt 评论于 2020-09-11



品葱用户 David_Garrett 评论于 2020-09-10


品葱用户 ESI 评论于 2020-09-10


品葱用户 惨遭骗炮任晓雯 评论于 2020-09-10




克强不死 鲁难未已



品葱用户 **ESI

White_Vinegar** 评论于 2020-09-10




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