彭张不伦恋超出隐私范畴直指中南海高官用公权力谋取性资源NOT PRIVACY BUT SECRECY

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The scandal between Peng Shuai and Zhang Gaoli is not privacy, but secrecy, alluding to the political corruption that high-level officials in Zhongnanhai prey upon sexual resources through their power and positions.

The Chinese Communist Party is utilizing “privacy” as a false excuse to disguise its brutal rule and human rights abuses when and where its ruthless censorship machine doesn’t work.

Peng Shuai has been an accomplice,  a beneficiary and also a victim of the communist regime as always, no matter whether she is willing or not, aware of or not, because Chinese people, in particular government sponsored athletes and experts, are not allowed to disobey the party leaders.

Even though there is sky high pressure from foreign media, celebrities, organizations, and the impending diplomatic boycott of 2022 Winter Olympic Games, an independent investigation into any party scandal is never available in communist China.

Are there more victims of Zhang Gaoli’s or any other Zhongnanhai officials’ seductions and sexual assaults? Who knows.

This party scandal will be another myth forever, as the origin of Wuhan Virus.

品葱用户 **insomnia

								fb_china_today** 评论于 2021-11-22

>> 石正麗女士的人身自由也受到關注會是多麼美好的事情

MeToo: Where is Shi Zhengli!?
CCP: In a gain-of-function laboratory of WIV as you already know.

品葱用户 fb_china_today 评论于 2021-11-22



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