劉仲敬經常說一些: 5%的人繼承人類的未來 大洪水會滅絕大多數人 絕大多數人的結局是肉體消滅 等等 這一類的話, 似乎很容易被人罵成: 納粹主義 和共產黨沒區別 社會達爾文主義 沒人性 我在這裡給他的話, 提供一點註解。 註解1: …
大家,普遍來說,似乎對費拉“做題家”,非常鄙視😒。 所以我想換個角度來說問題: 所謂的費拉“做題家”, 是有極大的價值的。
如果按好聽的話來說, 所謂的費拉“做題家”, 是一種“燦爛”的火花。這也是他們自傲為菁英的主要原因【這光芒畢竟耀眼】: 不同程度上來說, 他們是以燃燒🔥祖先的積累【陰德?】和子孫的未來為代價, 短時間內燃燒🔥“原料”的產物。
這批人的文化,比如所謂的菁英的自傲, 在民主制度下的多數派面前根本不堪一擊。 光是一個人人平等就夠他們受的了。所以永遠都是內部自己人和自己人玩的邊緣文化而已。他們論資排輩,自己人噁心自己人, 和本土社會又有什麼關係呢? 什麼?ta敢對你進行種族歧視?趕緊錄音找律師嘍。法律是本土社會制定的, ta還能翻天不成?
這批人的勢力,除非和外國勢力勾結,否則是不存在的。不過是一點點錢而已【還不是資本家那種巨量資產】,根本無法轉換為大批選票。如果敢和外國勢力勾結, 那麼掃地出門或者送進監獄不要太簡單。
這批人的政治訴求, 基本可以完全忽略。即時不理會他們, 又如何?他們有選票?有基層組織?能大規模暴亂?
如果他們的生育率高, 積極參加社會活動/公益, 積極融入本土社會, 那還是費拉做題家嗎?快快上座💺,這是另一個版本的”黃之鋒“啊, 說不定就是下一任美國總統/副總統/參議員了。
可以說他們的位置, 有些類似於本土社會的”充電電池“。本土社會對他們控制使用,他們自己畢竟也獲取了短時間內的一點享樂和舒適。
路是他們自己選的。 他們自己覺得自己是菁英,別人罵他們是費拉“做題家”, 似乎都有道理。
這世界是如此公平。請大家稍安勿躁, 靜靜觀看即可。
ZetaFC** 评论于 2020-07-13
]( “/article/item_id-437741#”)
gratesque** 评论于 2020-07-13
What you discussed about the seeds is very true. I would extend the scope a bit, based on the foundation you provided.
The real issue is how to develop oneself from the ground up when the old roots are so rotten to the degree of poisonous in a haste. Such a challenge is non-existing for a lot of other people such as English immigrants in the U.S.A.
To successfully deal with the issue, one must fundamentally change oneself in a very short period of time(5 years? 3 years?). I would argue it is “suicide”, in a different way.
Some people refuse to change and die with their old roots, full of bitterness and anger. They rather go back to the old world and hate the new world with full vigor for various reasons.
Some people adopted the wrong ideas in a haste without help and guidance, which are more likely to be available in childhood than in adulthood.
Such is the complexity of life. I fear for the lost souls.
ZetaFC** 评论于 2020-07-13
zzzzz11111** 评论于 2020-07-12
這批人真的是從內心改變了嗎?也不一定, 有可能只是蜻蜓點水, 有可能某種短時間的“釋放”。
似乎很難在短時間內下一個判斷。 比如說他們的孩子就不會斷絕關係,展翅高飛?只能說時間自然會給一切下一個判斷。
其中必然有真有假, 或者說真假都是沒有意義的,通通都是人的自由選擇。 至於結局,只有上帝才知道結局。
elemosyna11** 评论于 2020-07-12
這一點在Political order in changing societies by S. Huntington 中有所“影射”。 城市中的很多/一些群體, 都可以歸類為做題家。 這批人和郊區活著農村的關係, 是非常複雜的。
這裏你又提出了一個很難的,一般人說不清楚的難點。 所有的問題一般來說沒有絕對的黑白之分,只有一個程度區別。
一旦程度突破了某一個“節點”, 會造成不可逆的恐怖。 這恐怕就是你說的惡性循環
Cincinnatus123** 评论于 2020-07-12
No need to fear for them.
God, or the Dominator of Destiny, makes sure they are willing to walk that path to the end, absolutely beyond their own doubt. If they don’t believe anything else, they still believe they are at the best position they could strive to be.
Since they never find their Faith/God, thus the right direction of life-refreshing path instead of fancy illusions that might be amusing for some time. Or some grand distraction promising a non-existing redemption.
Or one could say, God has abandoned them, by their own consent that is more acceptable and action that feels more benefiting, at least to themselves, and therefore consequently to those who have made the opposite choice.
So, win-win. Then the destiny is set for all.
Every time I sense that the spiritual dimension is far more important than material existence, things I see will surprise me by showing a great more importance of it.
Concerning ‘suicide’, well, I would sugguest paying a visit to the theme, ‘death and rebirth’, in the western literature, and modern pop culture. Nothing greatly heart-moving is without it. Matrix, Terminator, LOTR, even Ronald Reagan’s life. (Whether Bojo will become one example remains to be seen.
It is the spiritual core of the Western Civilization. For me, it is more than clear. Embrace it truly, one joins in, or the seed grows into firm roots for a tree with grand canopy. Deny it, one stays a stranger, and a dried up seed rolling in circle till nothing left. Just like the jews wandering in the historical and contemporary Western society. That kind of destiny may be still better than the Egyptian Fellaheen, but a dead end anyway.
I think that’s enough reference for decision from a person who seeks wisdom instead of illusional treasures in order to fill that void in the soul.
The part unsettling me most is that, in this process beyond complex, everyone has made their happiest choice and take their most willing action, no lies, no pretense, honest beyond doubt.
gratesque** 评论于 2020-07-13
marvelous words.
I would add a few footnotes only for future readers and object to none of your words.
1. “Suicide”/“death and rebirth” may be interpreted to be fundamental change of one’s world view, especially in a short period of time. A common example is a born-again christian.
2. Other examples in additions to what you listed in “Matrix, … Reagan’s life” include Confession by Saint Augustine of Hippo and Divine Comedy by Dante A. for the scholarly readers. But the gist is the same regardless of your inclinations. One can even find such a theme in music if one wishes.
gratesque** 评论于 2020-07-12
劉仲敬經常說一些: 5%的人繼承人類的未來 大洪水會滅絕大多數人 絕大多數人的結局是肉體消滅 等等 這一類的話, 似乎很容易被人罵成: 納粹主義 和共產黨沒區別 社會達爾文主義 沒人性 我在這裡給他的話, 提供一點註解。 註解1: …
原文鏈接:https://www.thenewslens.com/article/100913 @Liuzhongjing 文明和菁英幾乎就是一回事,因為前者總是由後者體現和定義的。民主只是菁英生成機制的一種,從來不曾取消菁英存在的理由和事 …
原文鏈接:https://www.thenewslens.com/article/100913 @Liuzhongjing 文明和菁英幾乎就是一回事,因為前者總是由後者體現和定義的。民主只是菁英生成機制的一種,從來不曾取消菁英存在的理由和事 …