
by Cansinlej, at 14 February 2020, tags : 流行歌曲 美国梦 点击纠错 点击删除
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我特別喜歡這首San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear [Some] Flowers in Your Hair)。
If you’re going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you’re going to San Francisco
You’re gonna meet some gentle people there

另一首最喜歡的是Take Me Home, Country Roads。此乃西弗州歌。
Country roads, take me home to the place I belong.
West Virginia, mountain momma, take me home, country roads.

最喜歡的樂隊當數Simon & Garfunkel。Sound of Silence真好聽,還很有意思。另外小時候無意中聽了Scarborough fair純音樂喜歡上英倫三島的民謠,後來知道他們也唱過這首歌,好聽。

品葱用户 adt 评论于 2020-02-14



(Written by Jimmy Driftwood)
Johnny Horton

In 1814, we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississip’.
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody British in a town in New Orleans.

We fired our guns and the British kept a-coming
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more, and they began to running,
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

We looked down the river and we see’d the British come
and there musta’ been a hundred of ’em beating on the drum.
They stepped so high and they made their bugles ring
We stood beside our cotton bales and didn’t say a thing.

We fired our guns, and the British kept a-coming
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to running,
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

Ole Hickory said we could take ’em by surprise
If we didn’t fire our muskets ’till we look ’em in the eyes.
We held our fire ’til we seen their faces swell
Then we opened up our squirrel guns and really gave ’em… Well..

We fired our guns, and the British kept a-coming
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to running,
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

Well they ran through the briars, and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit wouldn’t go.
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catch ’em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

We fired our cannon ’til the barrel melted down
So we grabbed an alligator and we fought another round.
We filled his head with cannon balls and powdered his behind,
And when we touched the powder off, the gator lost his mind.

We fired our guns and the British kept a-coming
There wasn’t nigh as many as there was a while ago.
We fired once more and they began to running,
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

Well they ran through the briars and they ran through the brambles
And they ran through the bushes where a rabbit wouldn’t go.
They ran so fast that the hounds couldn’t catch ’em
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico.

hup, two, three, four.
sound, off, three, four.
hup, two, three, four.

August 17, 2009: No alligators were harmed in the filming of this video.

補充,我最喜歡的美國歌:God Bless the USA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q65KZIqay4E

品葱用户 Hermione 评论于 2020-02-15

所以你喜歡70年代的folk songs吧?!Bob Dylan及Joni Mitchell 是不二之選,不過他們的歌不太以優美的旋律為主,我建議如初入門聼 Both Sides Now, River, Like a Rollingstone.

另外推介歌 -
You’ve got a friend - James Taylor或Carole King

Me and Bobby McGee - Janis Joplin

Gypsy - Fleetwood Mac

品葱用户 银之斯卡里茨 评论于 2020-02-14

Hard Times Come Again No More

品葱用户 酥卤汁 评论于 2020-02-14

Joan Baez 的 Here’s to You

品葱用户 uckfU 评论于 2020-02-14


品葱用户 筱田君 评论于 2020-02-14


品葱用户 uckfU Hermione 评论于 2020-02-14

所以你喜歡70年代的folk songs吧?!Bob Dylan及Joni Mitchell 是不二…

Bob Dylan-鸭子乱叫,Joni Mitchell-天籁之音

品葱用户 我和克强上丽媛 评论于 2020-02-15

海军陆战队之歌,就是全金属弹头里面“hu-chi-ming is son of bitch”那首


品葱用户 北美carl 筱田君 评论于 2020-02-14



品葱用户 北美carl 评论于 2020-02-14

San Francisco 我也爱 

Take Me Home Country Roads


California Love


bad boys






美国国歌 星条旗




品葱用户 北美carl uckfU 评论于 2020-02-15

AMERICA F* YEAH!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1…


品葱用户 出埃及记 评论于 2020-02-14

《美丽的亚美利加》(America the beautiful),美国第二国歌,浓缩了美国的地理特征和特殊的历史,全面展现了美国特色
《扬基歌》(Yankee Doodle),这歌可以说是美国精神的完美体现:不怕嘲讽甚至乐于自黑,但是又充满了自信

品葱用户 無紋水仙盆 评论于 2020-02-14

應該是Country roads, take me home


品葱用户 北美carl 無紋水仙盆 评论于 2020-02-14



品葱用户 magrabee 评论于 2020-02-14

如果喜欢中西部那种蛮荒感的话不如试试A horse with no name和Riders on the storm

品葱用户 田伯光 评论于 2020-02-15

Country road 一首聽了讓美國人在美國也思鄉的歌

品葱用户 李龙媒 评论于 2020-02-15

这里推荐Carpenter 乐队的一首《Jambalaya》。

品葱用户 abomination 评论于 2020-02-14

美国象征怎么能不提Creedence Clearwater Revival,我找不到比CCR更美国的乐队了。

品葱用户 diabeticwinnie 评论于 2020-02-14

有一首我是几年前在superbowl 中场表演看到的,lady gaga演唱的,歌名叫什么忘记了。歌词有一句记得很清楚“this is your land,this is my land".这是你的土地,这也是我的土地。

品葱用户 李多多 评论于 2020-02-14

hotel California。

品葱用户 白頭翁 评论于 2020-02-15

i took a pill in ibiza

a real hero

love the way you lie


品葱用户 炎黄子葱 评论于 2020-02-14

Lee greenwood the ‘proud to be American’ 



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