
by 習饅頭, at 14 June 2020, tags : 三星 菊花 点击纠错 点击删除
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Samsung reportedly in talks to keep Huawei’s 5G base stations in the chips

It might not have been a coincidence that exactly one year to the day that the U.S. Commerce Department placed Huawei on the Entity List for security reasons, the U.S. changed an export rule that really puts the squeeze on the company (more on that in a minute). Being placed on the Entity List prevents Huawei from accessing its U.S. supply chain and stops Huawei from licensing Google Mobile Services. As a result, the company had to scramble and hustle and created its own ecosystem which debuted on the Huawei P40 series this year. It even launched its own Petal Search app that will help Huawei users find app stores where they can sideload apps like Facebook and Instagram that they are technically banned from downloading.
Samsung, Huawei explore a blockbuster deal that would help both firms

In China, not being able to use Google’s apps on Huawei phones was no big deal since most of these apps are banned in China anyway. But global users of Huawei’s phones surely missed the Google Play Store, Google Maps, Google Search, Gmail, YouTube, and others. Still, Huawei managed to ship 240 million smartphones last year allowing it to top Apple and finish behind only Samsung.
Huawei has contracts to deliver 600,000 5G base stations - Samsung reportedly in talks to keep Huawei’s 5G base stations in the chips
Huawei has contracts to deliver 600,000 5G base stations

If Huawei has an Achilles heel it is its HiSilicon chip unit; that’s because Huawei relies on TSMC to manufacture its cutting edge chips. That isn’t unusual; as the largest independent foundry in the world, TSMC produces chips designed by Apple, Qualcomm, MediaTek, and others. In fact, after Apple, Huawei is TSMC’s second largest customer. But remember that export rule change we mentioned in the first paragraph of this article? With this change, foundries that use U.S. based technology to produce their chips will need a license from the U.S. to ship to Huawei. Chips produced from wafers in production when the new rules took effect can still be shipped to Huawei if they are received by the middle of September. That might allow Huawei to have enough 5nm Kirin 1020 chipsets to produce all of the Mate 40 and Mate 40 Pro phones it wants to. But what will Huawei do next year starting with the P50 series? More importantly for Huawei, where will it get the cutting-edge chips it needs for its 5G networking equipment business? The manufacturer is the largest provider of 5G networking equipment in the world.
Already some have come up with ideas for Huawei to skirt around the new rules such as buying TSMC chips from MediaTek. But TSMC has said that it will not allow this to take place. But a perfectly legal solution could be coming from Samsung; the latter is the second-largest independent foundry in the world and according to Asia Times, it has developed a small production line that uses Japanese and European chip-making technology to churn out 7nm chips.
Dutch company ASMLprovides Samsung with the Extreme Ultra-Violet (EUV) lithography machines that etch patterns on wafers that show where the transistors will be placed in a chip. The ultra-violet beams can produce patterns so thin that it allows more transistors to fit inside an integrated circuit; the more transistors shoehorned inside a chip, the more powerful and energy efficient it is. And machines used to test chips can be purchased from Japan without U.S. involvement.

Samsung and Huawei are said to be discussing a possible arrangement that would result in Samsung manufacturing advanced chips for Huawei’s 5G networking equipment business; in return, Huawei would cede some of its global smartphone market share to Samsung. This plan might work because Samsung is more reliant on phones than Huawei is. The company has contracts to deliver 600,000 5G base stations which are powered by HiSilicon chips made by TSMC and that is more important to Huawei’s bottom line than phones are.
Huawei has  also given some business to China’s leading foundry SMIC. But the latter’s most advanced chips are built using the 14nm process node, several nodes behind TSMC. While SMIC hopes to manufacture 7nm chips by the end of this year, it would also have to obtain a license from the U.S. if it produces its chips using American technology.

For Huawei to maintain its leadership as the world’s largest networking equipment provider, it will need to make sure it has a steady supply of advanced chips. Samsung’s plan is as good a workaround as any as long as Huawei doesn’t mind giving up handset market share to the company it was hoping to surpass this year.

品葱用户 米高扬 评论于 2020-06-14


品葱用户 M36 评论于 2020-06-15

三星是目前行业中最依赖美国技术的 我不知道他如何规避美国政府的禁令 就实际情况而言 没有先进芯片的华为 在手机市场的份额一定会缩水 这不是华为让不让的问题 中芯都不敢出货华为 三星对美国依赖更高就敢了?我们在看看三星的股权 美资可能是拥有40%以上的股权 而主要的持有人很可能是美国政府基金 比如之前被川普禁止投资中国的美国养老基金 而花旗只是代管方 台积电的情况差不多 但美方在三星的股权市场估计是高于台积电的 所以我请问如何绕过美国政府?

再讲政治化一点 美国在韩国大量驻军 跟德国差不多 德国惹毛了川普 美军撤了9500 直接把德国弄傻了 而韩国面临的来自朝鲜的威胁更大  而朝鲜最近关闭与韩国的对话 局势有紧张的态势 美军撤了 韩国挺得住吗? 靠中共吗?看看文在寅的态度 一开始对川普邀请参加G7不知道可否 几天后变脸说一定会参加 韩国三星李在镕去趟西安回韩国直接被抓了 


品葱用户 freechina2018 评论于 2020-06-14


品葱用户 面对黄瓜吧 评论于 2020-06-14

不现实,没官方透露,基本很可能是假的,我觉得最大可能还是华为或者中共找人写的软文,这又不是没见过这样的操作, 三星明显不可能去帮华为。不帮华为死了,自己更有市场,而且帮了明显政治站队出问题了,老美不收拾你?,怎么想都不可能

品葱用户 Dk2s 评论于 2020-06-14


品葱用户 驱蚊花露水 评论于 2020-06-15



品葱用户 蔡孝乾 评论于 2020-06-14




PhoneArena->亞洲時報->EE TIME->https://www.eet-china.com/news/202005271157.html


繞來繞去 兜了一大圈 原來是台灣媒體



品葱用户 HatredKiller 评论于 2020-06-15

想想都知道不可能 三星美国亲儿子

品葱用户 dogg0五入拖拉曼 评论于 2020-06-14


品葱用户 **Bella

M36** 评论于 2020-06-15


三星是目前行业中最依赖美国技术的 我不知道他如何规避美国政府的禁令 就实际情况而言 没有先进芯片的华…

]( “/article/item_id-412978#”)

品葱用户 大修 评论于 2020-06-14



品葱用户 **M36

Bella** 评论于 2020-06-15



]( “/article/item_id-413013#”)
撤资不好说 西安的项目我具体情况不了解 做一些预测的话 不会扩大投资 先进的技术不会放过去 可能维持一个状态 就像台积电在国内也有些工厂 但基本都是14nm的技术 也不会撤 或者说那么快撤 但也就维持着而已 7nm 5nm肯定不会做了 如果状况持续变化 不排除这种拉去越南 印度 预估三星的操作差不多

品葱用户 KKKQQQ 评论于 2020-06-15


品葱用户 **Bella

M36** 评论于 2020-06-14


撤资不好说 西安的项目我具体情况不了解 做一些预测的话 不会扩大投资 先进的技术不会放过去 可能维持…

]( “/article/item_id-413031#”)
他做14nm的需要美国技术吗? 用到的话会被美国制裁。西安的厂是全球最大的?撤资好像不会很快。

品葱用户 **M36

Bella** 评论于 2020-06-14


他做14nm的需要美国技术吗? 用到的话会被美国制裁。西安的厂是全球最大的?撤资好像不会很快。

]( “/article/item_id-413036#”)
需要的 不管14nm 7nm 5nm都是美国架构 逃脱不了 三星目前的美国技术大概是30% 是各家最高的 西安的规模我不知道 但也就这样了 不可能继续投入资金 撤资我也不觉得立刻会 除非美中关系进一步恶化 但似乎中共开始认怂了

品葱用户 **Bella

M36** 评论于 2020-06-15


需要的 不管14nm 7nm 5nm都是美国架构 逃脱不了 三星目前的美国技术大概是30% 是各家最…

]( “/article/item_id-413060#”)

品葱用户 **筱田君

米高扬** 评论于 2020-06-15



]( “/article/item_id-412941#”)

品葱用户 **筱田君

驱蚊花露水** 评论于 2020-06-16



]( “/article/item_id-412945#”)

品葱用户 needfreedom 评论于 2020-06-16



最简单好用的 VPS,没有之一,注册立得 100 美金
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