[轉載]中國的 COVID-19 疫苗似乎無法有效預防現實世界中的疫情

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2021 年 6 月 4 日,星期五,晚上 8:30· 2 分鐘閱讀

世界衛生組織最近批准了中國的國藥和華興 COVID-19 疫苗的緊急使用許可,但將中國製造的疫苗交到其居民手中的國家報告的結果充其量只是好壞參半。

“在塞舌爾、智利和烏拉圭,所有這些國家都在大規模疫苗接種工作中使用了國藥集團或……Sinovac,即使接種了疫苗,病例也激增,” 《華盛頓郵報》報導。巴林是最早接受國藥集團注射的國家之一,《華爾街日報》補充說,“最近幾週,每天的 COVID-19 死亡人數已躍升至每百萬人 12 人——這種爆發的致命性幾乎是印度的五倍——促使島國政府關閉購物中心和餐館,以限制傳播。”

巴林衛生部副部長 Waleed Khalifa al Manea 博士告訴《華爾街日報》,最近病例的激增“主要來自家庭聚會——我們有齋月,這是巴林的一個非常社交的活動”,但他也表示,該國正在敦促老年人和患有慢性病的人接受輝瑞-BioNTech 疫苗為期六個月的加強注射。巴林和鄰近的阿聯酋開始“說明,一些被接種的尚未制定足夠的抗體,研究後”在五月下旬提供加強接種的帖子報告。

“在迪拜,人口最多的阿聯酋的七名成員,該酋長國衛生當局也悄悄地開始與輝瑞BioNTech revaccinating誰曾與國藥,已經完全接種的居民”的雜誌報告。


據《華爾街日報》報導,5 月 26 日發表的一項同行評審研究發現,國藥集團疫苗對有症狀的疾病有 78% 的有效性,但試驗參與者大多是健康的年輕男性。“在塞爾維亞國藥集團的另一項未發表的真實世界研究中,150 名參與者中有 29% 的人在接種兩次疫苗中的第一劑中的第一劑三個月後發現該病毒的抗體為零。這些人的平均年齡參加塞爾維亞研究的人高於 65 歲。”

The World Health Organization recently granted emergency use approval to China’s Sinopharm and Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines, but the countries that have put the Chinese-made vaccines in the arms of their residents are reporting mixed results, at best.

“In the Seychelles, Chile, and Uruguay, all of whom have used Sinopharm or … Sinovac in their mass vaccination efforts, cases have surged even as doses were given out,” The Washington Post reports. And in Bahrain, one of the first countries to embrace the Sinopharm shot, The Wall Street Journal adds, “daily COVID-19 deaths have leapt to 12 per million people in recent weeks — an outbreak nearly five times more lethal than India’s — prompting the island nation’s government to shut down shopping malls and restaurants in an effort to limit the spread.”

Dr. Waleed Khalifa al Manea, Bahrain’s undersecretary of health, told the Journal that the recent upsurge in cases “came mainly from family gatherings — we had Ramadan, which is a very social event in Bahrain,” but he also said the country is urging older people and those with chronic illness to get a six-month booster shot with the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Bahrain and the neighboring United Arab Emirates started offering booster shots in late May “after studies showed that some of those vaccinated had not developed sufficient antibodies,” the Post reports.

“In Dubai, the most populous of the seven members of the UAE, the emirate’s health authorities have also quietly begun revaccinating with Pfizer-BioNTech those residents who had been fully inoculated with Sinopharm,” the Journal reports.

“Despite the concern about Sinopharm’s effectiveness, experts say the vaccine still works as intended in most cases and that it could play a significant role in shortages of vaccine doses around the world,” the Post reports. The WHO says it has a low level of confidence in the vaccine’s effectiveness in older people, due to a lack of data.

A peer-reviewed study published May 26 found the Sinopharm vaccine was 78 percent effective against symptomatic illness, but the trial participants were mostly healthy young men, the Journal reports. “In a separate, unpublished, real-world study of Sinopharm in Serbia, 29 percent of 150 participants were found to have zero antibodies against the virus three months after they received the first of two shots of the vaccine. The average age of the people who participated in the Serbian study was higher than 65.”

品葱用户 Deeeeplearning 评论于 2021-06-06


品葱用户 没朋友的嘴巴臭男 评论于 2021-06-06


品葱用户 Smtsmt 评论于 2021-06-05


品葱用户 **oeirjsd

								没朋友的嘴巴臭男** 评论于 2021-06-05

>> 现在就看西方能不能尽快压住疫情,然后逼中国开放,击溃中国疫苗和抗疫神话的画皮。


品葱用户 **没朋友的嘴巴臭男

								oeirjsd** 评论于 2021-06-06

>> 以习近平的尿性,以后估计会以国外疫情为由继续闭关锁国。


品葱用户 **baokemeng

								oeirjsd** 评论于 2021-06-05

>> 以习近平的尿性,以后估计会以国外疫情为由继续闭关锁国。


品葱用户 **oeirjsd

								baokemeng** 评论于 2021-06-05

>> 如果他真信了那些整天吹国产疫苗的骗子国师,还真有可能开放,毕竟没人敢跟他说中国疫苗效率低,不过…



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