澳门不再允许民主人士参加选举 已登记的被取消参选资格

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The Electoral Affairs Commission has today (Friday) announced that it has disqualified 21 candidates included in six electoral lists for the 2021 legislative Assembly elections for “failing to support the Macau SAR and its Basic Law”.

The committee did not name the specific electoral lists or candidates, citing that further information could only be provided after the relevant appeal procedures are settled.

“After vetting, the Election Committee […] found there is evidence showing candidates in six electoral lists don’t uphold the Basic Law of Macau SAR or pledge allegiance to the Macau SAR. Thus, in accordance with the local electoral laws, these candidates don’t have qualifications for running the election,” the committee head Tong Hio Fong, said today in a special press conference called to announce the decision.

Explaining the vetting process, Tong only said the Election Committee made the decision based on the information received from the police through the Office of the Secretary for Security about the candidates.

The New Macao Progressive Association list, which included as top-biller legislator Sulu Sou Ka Hou elected in the 2017 AL elections, has already confirmed that all its five candidates in the list have been disqualified, with the association stating that it will follow up with the relevant administrative and legal procedures.

The main candidate of the Democratic Prosperous Macao Association, former President of New Macau Association (NMA), Scott Chiang – who is running after veteran legislator Au Kam San decided to retire from the political scene – also confirmed that all five candidates in his list – including veteran legislator Ng Kuok Cheong – were also disqualified.

Candidates from the New Macao Progressives list headed by former legislator Paul Chan Wai and from the New Macao Gaming list, headed by veteran gaming staff sector and labour rights activist Cloee Chao Sao Fong, are also said to have been disqualified.

The disqualified candidates could address the decision by the Committee, or change candidates in the electoral list by no later than Monday, according to the commission.

Tong also added that the election committee made the decision after it has become aware of a recent verdict by the Court of Final Appeal, namely its decision to reject an appeal by the Macau Union of Democratic Development to hold a public Tiananmen incident vigil on June 4, as it considered it offensive to the Chinese central government.

“[The verdict] confirms the relevant mechanism and system enshrined in the Basic Law of Macau SAR and the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China. After this verdict, the Election Committee, as the body in charge of the electoral affairs, has the responsibility to follow up the matter.”

Asked about the grounds for disqualifying some disqualified candidates, who are incumbent legislators, Tong only commented: “The situation is different in each AL election. What we do only concerns the 2021 election.”

“There are two different concepts between the candidates signing documents saying they uphold the Basic Law and pledge allegiance to the Macau SAR and whether there is evidence proving they really do so,” he concluded.

The decision mirrors decisions made in Hong Kong, where authorities have disqualified several elected legislators for failing to abide by requirements involving national sovereignty, supporting Hong Kong independence or involving national security legislation.




品葱用户 暴动喵 评论于 2021-07-10


品葱用户 blahblah 评论于 2021-07-10






品葱用户 曹公孟德 评论于 2021-07-10


品葱用户 偉大領袖金正恩 评论于 2021-07-09


品葱用户 **blahblah

								暴动喵** 评论于 2021-07-09

>> 由于葡澳当局对亲共势力发起的一二三事件妥协,澳门社会早已被亲共势力接管,“回归”前就成了“半个…



品葱用户 宽衣大王萨格尔 评论于 2021-07-10


品葱用户 史达林 评论于 2021-07-09


品葱用户 falcon 评论于 2021-07-10

美国都能渗透   区区一个澳门算什么   中共案板上的肉一样

品葱用户 高手 评论于 2021-07-11

一國兩制正式死亡 所以台灣要小心了
當初共匪搞一國兩制 其實就是為了和平統一台灣 現在把一國兩制給摧毀 也代表不會再用和平的形式統一台灣

品葱用户 **Hayashi

								blahblah** 评论于 2021-07-11

>> 一国两制彻底破产,不演了,港澳一国一制马上执行,再剑指台湾!正常取消资格,都应引用具体条款,年…


品葱用户 seeing2021 评论于 2021-07-11


品葱用户 民主大灣區 评论于 2021-07-12

一不做二不休  反正都做开头了 也不差把澳门也治一治 明年就要收复台湾了 习禁评新时代 完成中国统一 千秋万代名垂千古了

品葱用户 **blahblah

								Hayashi** 评论于 2021-07-12

>> 一開始跪下的比站著的得寵。等全都跪下了那就看誰會舔了。所以對强權來説示弱只會招致更多欺壓。



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