
by 大修, at 10 November 2021, tags : 澳洲 点击纠错 点击删除
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品葱用户 大修 提问于 11/10/2021


  Taiwan not a ‘vital Australian interest’ and Aukus submarines like throwing ‘toothpicks at a mountain’: former PM Paul Keating urges Canberra not to provoke China

Ex-Labour Party leader takes Canberra to task for provoking Beijing, saying nuclear subs it will acquire in deal with US and Britain will be outdated quickly
Keating, an advocate of firmer Asia Pacific ties, also defends Beijing’s wolf warrior diplomacy and urges Australia to stay out of US-China Taiwan conflict

_  In a harsh criticism of Australia’s recent policies in the Asia Pacific, the country’s former prime minister Paul Keating has taken Canberra to task for missteps ranging from a deal to acquire nuclear submarines to what he called “a deterioration in our strategic setting”._

_  Keating, who during his time in office had expanded Australian engagement in the region, also urged Canberra not to be drawn into a conflict involving Taiwan, saying the fate of the self-ruled island was “not a vital Australian interest”._
Speaking at the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday, Keating criticised the plan to acquire eight nuclear-powered submarines under the recently announced Aukus security alliance with the United States and Britain.

_  Keating, who led a centre-left Labour Party government from 1991 to 1996, said that by the time the submarines finally arrived in Australia in 2040, they would be so outdated that using them would be “like throwing toothpicks at a mountain”. He expected Australia’s submarines to be based on the US Virginia-class design, rather than the British Astute-class._
In September, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison cancelled a contract with France for 12 conventional submarines in favour of the new partnership with the US and UK which would give Canberra the technology to build nuclear submarines for the first time.

_  Last week, a newly released Pentagon report said that as of 2020 China’s navy had 355 ships and submarines. It said the Chinese navy had placed a high priority on modernising its submarine forces, operating six nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, six nuclear-powered attack submarines, and 46 diesel-powered attack submarines._

_  Arguing that Australia had lost its way, Keating said the country was not only at odds with its geography but had also needlessly provoked China._

_  “Here we are running to Cornwall to find our security in Asia. I mean, really,” Keating said, referring to the recent G7+ meeting in the United Kingdom, where Morrison finalised the Aukus agreement with US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson._

_  Making it clear that Australia was part of Asia, Keating said Canberra must acknowledge China’s pre-eminence as the Asian giant was simply too big and powerful to be ignored._

_  “We have to deal with them because their power will be so profoundly big in this part of the world,” Keating said, adding that China did not represent a threat to Australia._

_  Under Keating and his predecessor Bob Hawke, Australia was a major player in creating and cementing the importance of the Apec (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation) forum._

_  In April 1992, Keating made Jakarta the destination of his first international trip as prime minister, and three years later signed a security agreement with Indonesia, the first signed by the Southeast Asian country with any other state. Keating has frequently argued that relations with Indonesia should be an Australian foreign policy priority._

_  Testosterone running everywhere’
Keating even defended China’s wolf warrior diplomacy, or Chinese diplomats’ use of confrontational rhetoric to rebuff criticisms of Beijing, saying that the Chinese were “in the adolescent phase of their diplomacy – they have testosterone running everywhere”.

_  “What China wants is the acknowledgement of what it has achieved, lifting 20 per cent of the world’s population out of poverty,” Keating said, adding that unlike Britain which was “like an old theme park sliding into the Atlantic”, China would grow so large it would have no precedent in modern economic or social history._

_  The elder statesman said that Australia had no strategic interest in preserving the autonomy of Taiwan, and should stay out of any conflict between the US and China over the island which Beijing claims as its territory._
“Taiwan is not a vital Australian interest. Let me repeat that, Taiwan is not a vital Australian interest,” Keating said, adding that “we have no alliance with Taipei, none. There is no document you can find.”

_  Last month, Australian Defence Minister Peter Dutton said Canberra would stand with the US in the event of China launching a military attack on Taiwan, echoing a similar comment made by Morrison in May._

_  在對澳大利亞最近在亞太地區的政策的嚴厲批評中,該國前總理保羅基廷將堪培拉歸咎於從購買核潛艇的交易到他所謂的“我們戰略環境惡化”的失誤。_


基廷週三在堪培拉的國家新聞俱樂部發表講話,批評了根據最近宣布的與美國和英國的Aukus安全聯盟購買 8 艘核動力潛艇的計劃。

_  基廷曾在 1991 年至 1996 年領導中左翼工黨政府,他表示,當潛艇最終於 2040 年抵達澳大利亞時,它們已經過時了,以至於使用它們就像“向山上扔牙籤一樣”。他預計澳大利亞的潛艇將基於美國弗吉尼亞級設計,而不是英國機敏級。_

_  9 月,澳大利亞總理斯科特·莫里森取消了與法國簽訂的 12 艘常規潛艇的合同,轉而與美國和英國建立新的伙伴關係,這將首次為堪培拉提供建造核潛艇的技術。_

_  上週,五角大樓最新發布的一份報告稱,截至2020年,中國海軍擁有355艘艦艇和潛艇。聲明稱,中國海軍高度重視潛艇部隊的現代化,擁有6艘核動力彈道導彈潛艇、6艘核動力攻擊潛艇和46艘柴油動力攻擊潛艇。_


_  “我們正跑到康沃爾尋找我們在亞洲的安全。我的意思是,真的,“基廷說,指的是最近在英國G7 +會議,其中莫里森敲定與美國總統Aukus協議拜登和英國首相鮑里斯·約翰遜。_




_  1992年4月,基廷將雅加達作為總理首次出訪的目的地,三年後與印度尼西亞簽署了安全協議,這是東南亞國家與其他國家簽署的第一個安全協議。基廷經常爭辯說,與印度尼西亞的關係應該是澳大利亞外交政策的優先事項。_

_  基廷甚至為中國的戰狼外交或中國外交官使用對抗性言論來回擊對北京的批評進行辯護,稱中國“處於外交的青春期——他們的睾丸激素無處不在”。
_  “中國想要的是承認它所取得的成就,使世界上 20% 的人口擺脫貧困,”基廷說,並補充說,與英國“就像一個滑入大西洋的古老主題公園”不同,中國將增長如此之大,在現代經濟或社會歷史上都沒有先例。_



_  上個月,澳大利亞國防部長彼得·達頓 (Peter Dutton) 表示,如果中國對台灣發動軍事攻擊,堪培拉將與美國站在一起,這與莫里森 5 月的類似評論相呼應。_

品葱用户 Quechua 评论于


品葱用户 十字军征支大佐 评论于 2021-11-10


品葱用户 ibaba 评论于 2021-11-10




品葱用户 保守主义者 评论于 2021-11-10


品葱用户 POOL_POOL 评论于 2021-11-10

对于不是住澳洲或者特别关心澳新政坛的 谷歌一下这位PM Keating

陆克文以前是第一 他就是前五 现在陆克文要跳船了 Keating不就急不可待想当舵手了嘛 (btw Keating以前当财长的时候, 还是有一些成绩 主要是退休金系统. 当了总理后, 可能是因为他是"共和主义者", 着重于亚太关系, 后期经济也玩砸了, 96年Labor惨败落台后 就开始勇敢表现出舔…)

ABC 2019-nov-09 “Former PM Paul Keating Attacks Security Agencies On China Stance” 

2019年 在《澳大利亚人报》(The Australian)主办 “战略论坛” 上,Keating以国际现实主义者反对2017年起澳大利亚一些人和媒体煽动的反中国思维。

环时 2021-11-10 澳前总理指责澳政府对华政策,外交部回应 (干得漂亮 good boi)

品葱用户 願榮光重歸香港 评论于 2021-11-10



品葱用户 M36 评论于 2021-11-10

又是工黨 工黨就是澳洲最大的麻煩 維多利亞州的州長搞一帶一路 西澳的州長也親中 但要感謝澳洲的選民在上一屆的聯邦大選中用沈默的力量保住了聯盟黨的執政地位 才讓澳洲沒有被繼續滲透 

工黨就是個大麻煩 新西蘭現在是工黨執政 也是一塌糊塗 永遠不能相信工黨

明年澳洲又要聯邦大選了 工黨繼續秀下限 澳洲選民的反中情緒還是堅定的 這種秀下限表演只會讓工黨失去選票

品葱用户 咸鱼之体 评论于 2021-11-10


品葱用户 黑杰克 评论于 2021-11-10


品葱用户 zhengyi 评论于 2021-11-11

克厅应该是跟基辛格一样 亲华派 还在中共组织里面担任职位的,现在是中共全力动员老朋友一起上阵。英国金融时报已经看了好几篇文章讲中国的好话 都是西方学者和政客写的

品葱用户 华国锋 评论于 2021-11-11



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