Hunter前生意伙伴反水 揭露亨特帮助中共与奥巴马白宫建立关系

by Folland, at 17 October 2020, tags : 时事热点 赵拜登 点击纠错 点击删除
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BREAKING: Hunter Biden’s former business partner Bevan Cooney has flipped. He was jailed over a bond scheme, and has connected with journalists @MatthewTyrmand and @PeterSchweizer. Turned over access to his Gmail account. 亨特前生意伙伴(因其他案件已入狱)把自己的gmail交给了两位记者

这回整个爆料的真实性没人怀疑了吧 左媒也不能说是黑客干的了吧 也不能说是俄国人阴谋了吧 

川普说的if biden wins, China will own the United states看来不是瞎喊的

Exclusive — ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese Elites Secure White House Meetings

Newly obtained emails from a Hunter Biden business partner lay out in detail how the Vice President’s son and his colleagues used their access to the Obama-Biden administration to arrange private meetings for potential foreign clients and investors at the highest levels in the White House. These never-before-revealed emails outline how a delegation of Chinese investors and Communist Party officials managed to secure a private, off-the-books meeting with then-Vice President Joe Biden.亨特为中共和joe Biden会面搭桥

In a 2011 email, Hunter Biden’s business associates also discussed developing relations with what one called “China Inc.” as part of a “new push on soft diplomacy for the Chinese.”

For instance, on November 5, 2011, one of Archer’s business contacts forwarded him an email teasing an opportunity to gain “potentially outstanding new clients” by helping to arrange White House meetings for a group of Chinese executives and government officials. The group was the China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) and the delegation included Chinese billionaires, Chinese Communist Party loyalists, and at least one “respected diplomat” from Beijing. Despite its benign name, CEC has been called “a second foreign ministry” for the People’s Republic of China—a communist government that closely controls most businesses in its country. CEC was established in 2006 by a group of businessmen and Chinese government diplomats. 中共的“第二外交部”

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