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Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone in Seattle. 6 blocks retaken back for the people. “You are now leaving the USA” when you enter. Long live the fucking revolution. ✊🏽 




‘It’s reminiscent of Occupy’: Protesters in Seattle have established a communal ‘autonomous zone’ to prove they don’t need police
Isaac Scher
Jun 10, 2020, 5:34 PM
seattle capitol hill autonomous zone
A projected message is seen on a wall near the Seattle Police Departments East Precinct on June 9, 2020 in Seattle, Washington. Protests have continued in many parts of the city including inside City Hall and around the Seattle Police Departments East Precinct, an area that has earned the moniker “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone,” during ongoing Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of George Floyds death. David Ryder/Getty Images
Protesters in Seattle, Washington, took over part of the city on Monday, dubbing it an “autonomous zone.”
The area, which is still taking shape, has become a space for community organizing, art-making, and other community-building efforts.
“It has symbolic meaning that once the police withdraw, it’s not that communities descend into chaos, but that we can create safe, democratic, autonomous spaces,” one occupant told Insider.
Visit Insider’s homepage for more stories.
On Monday evening, police officers in Seattle boarded up the city’s East Precinct and decamped, abandoning it after repeatedly clashing with protesters.

In their wake, protesters have erected an “autonomous zone,” with tents, free food, art-making, and rallies. Films are being screened on a projector in the evenings.

The Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, or CHAZ, as it’s being called, emerged spontaneously. Encompassing the precinct and portions of the Capitol Hill neighborhood around it, the area was previously a flashpoint for protester-police skirmishes.

Now, protesters are using the space to organize and build an alternative community. The occupants seek to prove that the community can operate without a police department at all.

Permanent autonomous zones, like Hong Kong, have historically been designed to have near-total legal and political autonomy. In Seattle, something different is shaping up: An intentional community that disavows the police, and that cares for all of its members. CHAZ occupants distribute food widely, including to homeless people, and instituted a garbage-collection program on Wednesday.

“It’s reminiscent of Occupy [Wall Street],” one protester, who identified himself as a teacher and member of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation, told Insider. “It’s like the people who show up and are doing the work.”

“People are really excited about it,” he added.

Among demonstrators, “most people seem cautiously optimistic,” one woman in the CHAZ told Insider. “I haven’t seen any cops since they all left.”

The Seattle Police Department did not immediately respond to Insider’s request for comment.

FreeCapitol Hill, a collective linked to the CHAZ, wants to reshape the whole city
As CHAZ emerged, some protesters have released a list of demands.

“We do not request reform, we demand abolition,” FreeCapitol Hill, an anonymous collective, wrote in a blog post Tuesday. “We demand that the Seattle Council and the Mayor defund and abolish the Seattle Police Department and the attached Criminal Justice Apparatus.”

The collective demanded “de-gentrification” of the city, increased hiring of Black healthcare workers, and an overhaul of the Washington state public school curriculum, with a greater focus on the history of Black and Native Americans in the United States.

They also called for an end to police violence.

“We demand that the use of armed force be banned entirely,” the collective wrote. “No guns, no batons, no riot shields, no chemical weapons, especially against those exercising their First Amendment right as Americans to protest.”

The Seattle Police Department’s East Precinct, June 9, 2020 in Seattle, Washington. David Ryder/Getty Images
Last week, Mayor Jenny Durkan put a 30-day ban on the police department’s use of tear gas against protesters. After the ban was passed, however, officers still used the chemical irritant against a crowd, video footage shows.

Several Seattle Fire Department vehicles “stationed near the Precinct to ensure emerging medical needs and fires are addressed if necessary,” Durkan said in a statement on Tuesday morning. “Keeping this area safe is critical, as there are approximately 500 residential homes in this block.”

The autonomous zone has remained peaceful, according to Capitol Hill Seattle Blog, as residents, and some local politicians, call for radical change.

“What we are seeing now is an uprising. A rebellion of young people. Not just nationwide but globally,” Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant told a crowd on Monday evening.

The next night, Sawant, who identifies as a socialist, held a public meeting calling on the city to defund the police and ban chemical weapons like tear gas, which is outlawed in warfare.

Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda has also supported the effort, calling for the city police department budget to be halved, local news outlet MyNorthwest reported.

As the autonomous zone takes shape, residents look toward restructured community
Because the area emerged organically and without any official leadership, the protesters are exploring ways forward.

The first general meeting of CHAZ occupants will be held on Wednesday afternoon, the teacher and anarchist said, where people will discuss “the purpose of occupying” the space.

But the CHAZ has already taken on meaning for occupants.

“It has symbolic meaning that once the police withdraw, it’s not that communities descend into chaos, but that we can create safe, democratic, autonomous spaces,” he said. That’s a “testament to the claims around abolition currently that maybe we don’t need these violent police forces in our community.”

“Trying to protect and honor Black life,” he added, is “a big part of what’s going on here.”


品葱用户 一点mm 评论于 2020-06-12

有种不要出来, 美国不发签证!

品葱用户 江泽之民 评论于 2020-06-12


品葱用户 羊城暗夜 评论于 2020-06-12

西雅图的情况具体可以参考这个纪录片 Seattle is Dying (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bpAi70WWBlw)

品葱用户 **阿斯妙特灵

江泽之民** 评论于 2020-06-11



]( “/article/item_id-409552#”)
自治区(Autonomous Zone)完全是中国用语。估计黑叔叔想要享受一下中国高考加分政策了

品葱用户 **江泽之民

阿斯妙特灵** 评论于 2020-06-11


自治区(Autonomous Zone)完全是中国用语。估计黑叔叔想要享受一下中国高考加分政策了

]( “/article/item_id-409556#”)

品葱用户 Newer 评论于 2020-06-12


不過話說回來,capital hill這地方犯罪率有些地高有些地低,廢除警察真是想多了,還真以為社會上引起犯罪的只有警察暴力麼。。。現代社會主義者還是這麼愚蠢,真是替他們捉雞額。

品葱用户 Acca0429 评论于 2020-06-12


品葱用户 **疯狂习近平

Newer** 评论于 2020-06-12



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品葱用户 **阿斯妙特灵

疯狂习近平** 评论于 2020-06-11



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品葱用户 Kanade 评论于 2020-06-12


品葱用户 **U檸三文魚

疯狂习近平** 评论于 2020-06-11



]( “/article/item_id-409563#”)

品葱用户 **币圈奇葩8964

Newer** 评论于 2020-06-11



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品葱用户 **由比滨结衣

羊城暗夜** 评论于 2020-06-11



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品葱用户 Acca0429 评论于 2020-06-11


品葱用户 POOL_POOL 评论于 2020-06-12

廣播: 注意 推土車前進 注意 推土車前進. 稍有常識的人都會看出, 如果我們的trump tanks繼續前進, 這些螳臂擋車的she/xhe/he, 難道能夠阻擋得了嗎?

品葱用户 EFG127 评论于 2020-06-12



品葱用户 **Acca0429

EFG127** 评论于 2020-06-12



]( “/article/item_id-409594#”)


品葱用户 prmr0906 评论于 2020-06-12




最简单好用的 VPS,没有之一,注册立得 100 美金
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