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1.Kelly, N. (2022b, October 19). ‘Global crisis’ of violence: 161 healthcare workers were killed last year, study finds. The Guardian.

2.Jain, S. H. (2023c, August 2). Violence Against Healthcare Workers Is Rising: Here’s How We Can Protect Them. Forbes.

3.Zhang X, Li Y, Yang C, et al. Trends in workplace violence involving health care professionals in China from 2000 to 2020: a review[J]. Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research, 2021, 27: e928393-1.

4.Jia, C., Han, Y., Lu, W., Li, R., Liu, W., & Jiang, J. (2022). Prevalence, characteristics, and consequences of verbal and physical violence against healthcare staff in Chinese hospitals during 2010–2020. Journal of occupational health, 64(1), e12341.

5.曹斯.(2016). “医生被砍30余刀”续:广东省人民医院医生陈仲伟因抢救无效辞世. 《南方日报》

6.Xiao Y, Chen T, Zhu S, et al. Workplace violence against Chinese health professionals 2013–2021: a study of national criminal judgment documents[J]. Frontiers in public health, 2022, 10: 1030035.

7.Jiao M, Ning N, Li Y, et al. Workplace violence against nurses in Chinese hospitals: a cross-sectional survey[J]. BMJ open, 2015, 5(3): e006719. 

8.He Y. Workplace Violence against Medical Staff in China: Contextual Factors and Interventions[D]. Auckland University of Technology, 2022.

9.He, Y., Holroyd, E., & Koziol-McLain, J. (2023). Understanding workplace violence against medical staff in China: a retrospective review of publicly available reports. BMC health services research, 23(1), 660.

10.Jia, C., Han, Y., Lu, W., Li, R., Liu, W., & Jiang, J. (2022). Prevalence, characteristics, and consequences of verbal and physical violence against healthcare staff in Chinese hospitals during 2010–2020.Journal of occupational health,64(1), e12341.

11.中国青年报. (2014, April 13). 什么让耳鼻喉科沦为医患关系“洼地”.

12.Yang, L., Yang, Z. Y., Li, H. W., Xu, Y. M., Bian, W. W., & Ruan, H. (2023). Exploring expectations of Chinese patients for total knee arthroplasty: once the medicine is taken, the symptoms vanish.BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders,24(1), 159.

13.He, Y. (2022).Workplace Violence against Medical Staff in China: Contextual Factors and Interventions(Doctoral dissertation, Auckland University of Technology).

14.Boyle, P. (2022, September 20). Threats against health care workers are rising. Here’s how hospitals are protecting their staffs. AAMC.

15.Public Services Health and Safety Association. (2021). Emergency Response to Workplace Violence (Code White).

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