川普跟不上了吗? (长长的问题)大家知道什么叫(自行车)掉链子?

by Hkfool, at 07 July 2020, tags : 美国 总统大选 点击纠错 点击删除
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品葱用户 hkfool 提问于 7/7/2020

近日美军两条航母冲进了中国南海, 各大媒体都在报道, 几乎没有不报道的, 可是川普总统先生有没有和美国盟友同步协调? 甚至有没有意识配合一下自己的海军?

现在不是在兵棋推演,而是直接推进中国南海了, 至少澳大利亚海军也跟进去了, 总统的份内工作是要给盟友们做好铺垫, 可是川普先生仿佛被海军甩掉了几个身位的样子。

前段时间波顿出书,「事发之室」 The Room where it Happened (John Bolton) 波顿是白宫国家安全顾问, 川普把他炒了。


川粉请不要黑我,有一说一, 川普是一位勤勉的商人, 人们相信他的直觉,当中美关系被捂着的时候川普当选总统一脚踹开门, 问题放上桌面,美国国家战略顺利转向。

可是接下来川普的表演就不很专业了, 波顿也不完全是黑他, 书中有不少实情就是美国目前对川普的失望。 国安顾问刚被解雇就开骂现任总统是罕见的事情, 强调私怨很不专业, 这是总统出了大问题的标志。

再看今年早些时候,因为罗斯福航母中病毒的风波, 4月份川普炒掉海军部长莫利, 那么现在川普没能跟上海军步伐是不是有点自作自受?

Thomas B. Modly served as the Acting Secretary of the Navy from Nov. 25, 2019, until April 7, 2020.

这里有一份文章, The Atlantic 的主编 David A. Graham 写的:

The Night Trump Stopped Trying
Coming home from Tulsa, the intensely image-conscious president no longer looked like a winner.
[url= https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/trump-looks-like-loser/613363/][/url]



川普的幕僚都开始怀疑人生了,你到底想不想连任? 求求你老人家不要耽误我们年轻人的宝贵青春。

川普在国内的失败可以归纳为两方面: 没能保护美国人的生命,没有平息社会各派系的矛盾。

而在国际上,川普不善于团结各派的缺陷也正在让美国失去领导国际盟友的优势。 比如:WHO世卫组织被中共操控了,可是川普自己一下退出 WHO。 就算你你跑得方向没有错,可是, 傻老头你把自己盟友全部一个不差的丢在WHO了! 你为什么就不能像个大哥一样带着自己一帮盟友小弟们就在WHO把中共狠狠干一顿?

欧盟跟不上川普也不全是欧盟故意拖后腿, 谁能跟上一只埋头奔出的野猪?

有时候人们说川普和包子是一对儿, 真的很形像,生日都是一天的,川普自己也说他和包子是好朋友。

所以恐怕波顿没有乱说,川普会在包子面前栽跟头, 现在还想着已经签署的中美贸易协议第一阶段? 签字之后超过了半年时间,中共完成了农产品购买的 19%, 川普傻老头还在等呢。

香港国安法出台一周了, 川普还没有给出个清楚的回应。

国会议长 Pelosi 早把香港问题定调了, 国务卿 Pompeo 这一个月白白的游说全球, 川普有配合吗? 川普就在美国国庆日跑总统山去演说, 演说了什么内容都让人不想听了, 各大媒体配图都是放烟花, 布景都是美国综艺节目「才艺秀」模式。


英国准备300万个难民机会给香港, 川普,你家最铁的支持者英国一共才6千万人口这一次准备收300万香港人不是一件小事, 你不配合一下你还算是政治人物吗? 你硬是要把一向密切互动的英美关系也放凉了吗?

日本那边也有不少非议已经浮起来, 在国际事务处理方面 安倍比川普成熟不知道多少, 常常就是安倍在给川普提辞,不然川普不知道要干出什么美日新局面来。 和这样的美国总统同台献艺,安培也是很辛苦。


什么叫自行车掉链子? 川普现在就是自行车上那一根链条,当需要传力的时候链条却脱落下来!

前两天美国就业数据一出来有点喜庆, 川普立刻瞎猫捡到死耗子连连演讲半个小时, 然后又说疫苗很快也会出来。 拜托,防疫问题先讲口罩好不好? 至今恶搞不戴口罩, 台湾随便派个医生去都可以给你做防疫示范。

美国国内的压力:防疫、经济、种族冲突。国外的世界秩序:中美关系、太平洋大西洋 都要你总统定下大方向,结果去到总统山演说的大好机会也没有定出来。最近几天的媒体报道配的照片都是川普秀老婆的样子。

那么总统山还真不是你现在可以去的地方, 这几位总统都还不是你川普可以比肩站立的。

在华人圈,支持川普的人里不少是喜欢他犀利务实的做事效率, 也有喜欢他的反共立场。 但是现在看来川普已经离地了, 跟不上节奏, 缺少世界第一总统的能力,没有大局观,不团结队友,总爱扮演霸道总裁,现在开始越来越误事。

国会方面为他准备了多少法案? 香港人权法,新疆人权法,台湾旅行法,香港问责法…

枪都送你手里了,川普不扣扳机。 如果说美国政治是一列火车,国会把轨道都给你铺好了,川普拖着不开车。


可是世事难料, 在未来的四个月里,什么都可能发生,希望川普再上演大翻盘的戏法。

有人甚至说希望现任付总统出面救场, Pence 看起来比川普和拜登都更像是一个正常人。 但是很可惜, 美国的正付总统职权是有严格区分的。

也许现在最开心的就是包子, 身处金字塔上,虽然说金字塔顶已经变成了火山口, 但是位置优势真不是川普可以比拟的, 稳稳当当看川普笑话。

你看台湾蔡英文、印度莫迪、俄国普京都可以轻松的给川普演示政治人物基本功,更不要说欧盟那一群稳坐钓鱼台的老手了,川普你不至于跟着金三和包子学政治吧? 真不知道美国这一次能不能选出一个好总统。


品葱用户 問心 评论于 2020-07-07



1. 讓反共成為美國共識:
2. 讓反共成為民主自由國家共識:
甚至,他點出了 #宗教自由,喚醒我們與中共的差別,西方民主國家不要忘記我們的價值觀,行善止惡的重要性
3. 斷絕中共資金來源:
進行《香港自治法》的簽署: 潛在制裁對象還首度包括國際金融機構,可導致中港銀行無法與美國銀行交易、不能使用美元結算,以打擊中港方資金鏈
4. 斷絕中共技術來源,消滅「中國製造2025」:
正在進行「年度國防授權法案 (NDAA)」的簽署: 公布竊取美商業機密、威脅國家安全或經濟健康的個人或公司名單,#向竊取技術的企業實施懲罰,包括凍結他們在美國的資產,及禁止美國公民與這些公司和個人進行交易的制裁,還包括加強美國供應鏈的措施,以及擴大與中國導彈防禦系統整合的限制
5. 5G:
6. 印太戰略
7. 台灣
《台北法案》: 內容涵蓋台灣對外關係、美台經貿關係和台灣參與國際組織,增強美台雙邊經貿關係,並要求美政府促進台灣國際參與
《台灣旅行法》: 促進兩國高層交流
軍售台灣: 18枚MK-48 AT重型魚雷,66架F-16戰機,派里級巡防艦、AAV7兩棲突擊車、人攜刺針飛彈250枚、拖式2B型飛彈769枚、標槍飛彈及迅安系統後續支援,HARM反輻射飛彈50枚、聯合距外武器(JSOW)空對地飛彈56枚、MK48魚雷46枚、標準二型(SM-2)飛彈16枚、MK54輕型魚雷168枚、4艘紀德級驅逐艦AN /SLQ-32(V)3電戰系統性能提升、SRP偵蒐雷達後續維持、MK41垂直發射系統,C-130 運輸機、F-5 戰鬥機、經國號戰鬥機,M1A2T戰車、M88A2裝甲救濟車、M1070A1 重裝備運輸車、M1000 重裝備運輸板車、FIM-92刺針便攜式防空飛彈、122把M2重機槍、216把M240通用機槍
進行《台灣防衛法》的簽署: 確保美軍有能力保護台灣安全,包括評估採取有限核武來嚇阻中國
8. 香港
制裁傷害香港自治的中港官員,包括: 中共政治局常委,負責港澳事務的韓正,加速中共高層內部的分裂
進行《香港自治法》的簽署: 對破壞香港自治的中港官員,凍結其在美資產,禁止入境美國;潛在制裁對象還首度包括國際金融機構,可導致中港銀行無法與美國銀行交易、不能使用美元結算,以打擊中港方資金鏈
9. 新疆
通過《2020 年維吾爾人權政策法案》,呼籲禁止在中國境內外對這些族群的任意拘留、酷刑和騷擾,將制裁監禁超過百萬穆斯林的中國官員,制裁手段包括:凍結中國有關官員的在美財產、拒絶他們入境、拒發或取消簽證
10. 媒體:
今年4月,白宮史無前例地批評美國之音為中國政府做宣傳。新任執行長在6月初通過國會核准,原本貝內特(Amanda Bennet)在內多名美國之音高管宣佈辭職
今年7月,新增4家中共官媒為外國使團,包括: 中央電視台(CCTV)、中國新聞社(中新社)、《人民日報》和《環球時報》,從此需向美國國務院提供在美員工的名單及他們在美租賃或持有的房地產清單
11. 疫情前,2019年底的美國經濟表現
失業率維持在 3.5%,創 1969 年以來新低
執政 3 年美股飆逾 50%,高居歷屆總統第一
12. 國際組織
川普表示: 聯合國是一個過時的組織。暗示應成立一個以民主自由國家,有共同價值觀為前提的組織,並開始邀請各國參加G11

What has Mr. President Donald Trump done it for just in only 3-4 years?
Here are 12 points.
1. Make anti-communism a consensus in the United States:
Officially and publicly acknowledged the mistakes of China’s policy over the past few decades, and separated China from the Chinese Communist Party. They regarded China led by the Chinese Communist Party as an “authoritarian country different from democracy” and regarded it as “new authoritarianism.”

2. Let anti-communism become a consensus of democratic and free countries:
Appeals and integrates Western countries, and can only choose a side stand between democracy, freedom, and totalitarian tyranny. Values trump economic incentives.
In this epidemic it is pointed out that because the CCP hid the epidemic, it caused more than 10 million epidemic infections worldwide, more than 500,000 deaths, economic shutdown, and incalculable losses. , More than 400 million full-time jobs disappeared, and life patterns changed.
Even, Trump pointed out religious freedom, awakening the difference between us and the CCP, Western democratic countries do not forget our values, the importance of doing good and stopping evil.

3. Cut off the sources of CCP funds:
-Carrying out trade wars and raising tariffs.
Provide preferential measures to assist US companies to leaving China.
-Strict review of Chinese stocks, forcing Chinese companies to be open and transparent.
-Restrict the flow of funds through Hong Kong.
-The ban on high-tech exports to China’s Sensitive Technology was extended to Hong Kong.
-Ordered the withdrawal of the US Federal Retirement Fund from Chinese stocks, prohibiting the use of U.S. official and veteran pension funds to invest in China. Stop CCP to use it to making them manufacture weapons that threaten the lives of Americans/soldiers, as has been done in the past few presidents. Signing of the “Hong Kong Autonomy Law”:  Potential sanctions also include international financial institutions for the first time. This can prevent China and Hong Kong banks from trading with US banks and using US dollars for settlement to crack down on China and Hong Kong’s capital chain.
80% of US counterfeit goods come from China and Hong Kong, which not only jeopardizes intellectual property rights, consumer safety, but also combats market fairness, and Trump imposes tariff sanctions on these products.
5. 5G:
Officially announced the threat of Huawei’s national security. At present, many countries in the world have officially announced that they will not use Huawei for 5G infrastructure.The United States is worried about China’s surveillance and theft of data. This is extremely important for the national security of countries around the world.
5. 5G:
Officially announced the threat of Huawei’s national security. At present, many countries in the world have officially announced that they will not use Huawei for 5G infrastructure. The United States is worried about China’s surveillance and theft of data. This is extremely important for the national security of countries around the world.

6. Indo-Pacific Strategy
The United States is no longer just complaining about the content of China’s expansion, but rather a strong will to execute.
The United States is deploying unprecedented military power in the Asia-Pacific region. Currently, the US military has 375,000* troops deployed in the Asia-Pacific region, accounting for 28% of the total US military strength, including 60% of naval ships, 55% of the army, and 2/2 3 Marine Forces.
7. Taiwan
-In 2016, the Republican Party included the Six Guarantees for the first time in the party platform
“Taipei Act”: Covers Taiwan’s foreign relations, US-Taiwan economic and trade relations and Taiwan’s participation in international organizations, strengthens US-Taiwan bilateral economic and trade relations, and requests the US government to promote Taiwan’s international participation
Article 209 of the “Asian Reassurance Initiative Act 2018” “Commitment to Taiwan” reiterates its support for political, economic, and security cooperation between the United States and Taiwan, stipulating that “The President of the United States should regularly sell arms to Taiwan in accordance with threats from China.”
“Taiwan Travel Law”: Promoting high-level exchanges between the two countries
-Restart Taiwan-US FTA negotiations
U.S. strengthens participation in Taiwan’s national shipbuilding
Military sales in Taiwan: 18 MK-48 AT heavy torpedoes, 66 F-16 fighter jets, Perry-class cruiser, AAV7 amphibious assault vehicle, 250 man-carrying bayonet missiles, 769 towed 2B missiles, javelin missiles and Xun Follow-up support from the security system, 50 HARM anti-radiation missiles, 56 joint out-of-range weapon (JSOW) air-to-ground missiles, 46 MK48 torpedoes, 16 standard type 2 (SM-2) missiles, 168 MK54 light torpedoes, 4 A Gide class destroyer AN/SLQ-32 (V) 3 electric warfare system performance improvement, SRP reconnaissance radar follow-up maintenance, MK41 vertical launch system, C-130 transport aircraft, F-5 fighter aircraft, Jinguo fighter aircraft, M1A2T tank, M88A2 armored relief vehicle, M1070A1 heavy equipment transport vehicle, M1000 heavy equipment transport board vehicle, FIM-92 bayonet portable anti-aircraft missiles, 122 M2 heavy machine guns, 216 M240 general purpose machine guns
Signed the “Taiwan Defense Law”: ensuring that the US military has the ability to protect Taiwan’s security, including evaluating the use of limited nuclear weapons to deter China.
8. Hong Kong
Sanctions against Chinese and Hong Kong officials who hurt Hong Kong’s self-government include: Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, Han Zheng, who is responsible for Hong Kong and Macao affairs, accelerates the division within the CCP
Passed the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Law, revoking special treatment in Hong Kong, including prohibiting the export of dual-use military and civilian technology to Hong Kong
Set out to revoke the special treatment enjoyed by Hong Kong in the fields of extradition regulations, export control, tourism and independent customs territory status
Signing of the “Hong Kong Autonomy Law”: freezing the assets of the United States and prohibiting entry into the United States for Chinese and Hong Kong officials who undermine Hong Kong’s autonomy; potential sanctions also include international financial institutions for the first time, which can cause Chinese and Hong Kong banks to be unable to transact with U.S. banks or use them US dollar settlement to crack down on China and Hong Kong capital chain.
9. Xinjiang
In October 2019, the United States announced that it would blacklist 28 Chinese companies that suppress Muslims in Xinjiang.

In May 2020, the United States announced that the Forensic Medical Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Security of China and eight Chinese enterprises were included in the economic blacklist, and 33 enterprises and institutions that assisted the Chinese government to monitor Uighurs or were associated with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army and weapons of mass destruction, Individual blacklist.

Adopted the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020, calling for the prohibition of arbitrary detention, torture and harassment of these ethnic groups inside and outside China, and will sanction Chinese officials imprisoning more than one million Muslims. Sanctions include: freezing the property of relevant Chinese officials in the United States, Refusing their entry, refusing to issue or cancel visas.
10. Media:
In February of this year, the United States has listed Xinhua News Agency, China Global Television Network (CGTN), China International Radio (CRI), China Daily as a foreign company, and the People’s Daily publisher Haitian Development Company as a foreign mission.
In March this year, the United States requested a reduction of 60 Chinese journalists
In April this year, the White House unprecedentedly criticized VOA for propaganda for the Chinese government. The new chief executive passed the approval of Congress in early June, and a number of VOA executives including Bennett (Amanda Bennet) announced their resignation
In May 2020 the United States restricted Chinese visas for 90 days.
In May 2020 Trump reprimanded Twitter and other social medias the suppression of freedom of expression.
In July 2020 Trump added four official media of the Communist Party of China were  as foreign missions, including: China Central Television (CCTV), China News Service (China News Service), People’s Daily, and Global Times.
Trump listed real estate lease or hold in the US of CCP´s employees.

11. Before the outbreak, the US economic performance at the end of 2019:
-Unemployment rate remains at 3.5%, a new low since 1969
U.S. stocks have soared by more than 50% during the three years of power, ranking first among all previous presidents.

-Increased recruitment and rising wages have driven consumer spending, which accounts for more than two-thirds of the US economy.
-The U.S. is the only country whose G7 economic growth rate will exceed 2% in 2019.
-As of December 2019, the US economy has continued to grow for the 126th consecutive month, the longest period of economic growth on record.
-The total market value of the US stock market climbed to a record, 1.5 times its GDP
The strong U.S. economy continues to attract investment from around the world in 2019, bringing the dollar exchange rate to a record high.
12. International organizations
Trump loudly condemned the current “too China-centric” international organizations, including WHO, etc.
-There are legal sources to seek compensation from the CCP.
After withdrawing from the WHO by action and refusing to provide funds. The WHO finally admitted on June 30; that China was not the first to inform the epidemic situation, that is, the CCP violated the World Health Regulations, and did not notify the WHO within 24 hours. The Trump National Security Group is even considering the establishment of a new international health organization to allow the United States to have greater influence.
-WTO Secretary-General suddenly resigned in May 2020.
Trump said: The United Nations is an outdated organization. It implies that an organization that is based on a democratic and free country and has shared values should be established, and countries are invited to participate in G11.


品葱用户 萨格尔王吃冰棒 评论于 2020-07-07


品葱用户 AlanW 评论于 2020-07-07

当然,因为川普至少有行动。这个已经被 知道路数的川普,比起拜登之流更值得信任。

品葱用户 镇国太子 评论于 2020-07-06


品葱用户 我是大臭B 评论于 2020-07-07


品葱用户 containccp 评论于 2020-07-06

老實說他2020連實在是太失策了,還是以管治公司那種利益為上的思想在帶領美國,支持香港的事都是議會做啲,上年他甚至還在拖香港法案後腿,還對貿易協議存在幻想,武漢肺炎的時候又一大堆 just a flu 的廢話。我覺得blm搞成這樣,要是他肯讓位給pence帶領共和黨去選,下屆共和黨是一定能選上吧,影像好多了。

品葱用户 带带卡戴珊 评论于 2020-07-07



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