今天在 WhatsApp 收到来自朋友的转发,看看华为在海外是怎样做传销的

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今天早上 whatsapp 收到了几个朋友传来的信息分享。

Huawei is banned in the United States. The Apple 12 is about to go on the marketl soon. 

This is the time for us to f show.! If not one Apple mobile phone can be sold in the Chinese market on the day of release, the US will have no face.!!  

It’s time for us to do something, insist on not buying Apple 12. 

Since I started, everyone has join with  patriotism for China and love the party. 

Let the United States be defeated without a fight. There are now tens of millions of people forwarding to the Chinese people on the Internet. 

This  publicity won’t fail!! Let us start doing something. China’s  domestic mobile phones are really good, use Huawei P40:-

  1. Has a master key, you be connected to the Internet everywhere, in hotels and other places without having to ask anyone for a password to connect.

  2. Yes, you can log in to 2 WeChat at the same time.

  3. It is a Leica dual-lens photo camera. The effect is the same as the SLR effect. It is a real Leica camera.

  4. It has the world’s 1st virtual 3-antenna reception. If you reach an area with very poor network coverage, you will still feel good.

  5. Is cheaper, 2/3 of Apple’s, and much cheaper than Samsung. P40 5G full Netcom is only 5988 Yuan, cost effective.

  6. Is easy to download without ID code and password.

  7. Is fast, P40 is 8G + 512GB.

  8. The most exciting is that Huawei’s mobile phone is implanted with a Beidou chip by end of June ‘20 to face hundreds of millions of delighted shareholders.

  9. There is no need to pay for phone calls and data charges for life. When the chip is installed, no card is needed.

  10. Because the chip is satellite based communication, it will receive the high up satellite signals everywhere, is beyond imagination.

  11. We support Made in China products.

  12. To realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation at an early date.

  13. Is to weaken the arrogance of the United States, which is the most crucial.

Please repost to 50 people to win this war. If you see this message, no matter how busy you are, please forward it!

虽然用语很烂 (应该是中文翻译),但我相信是为了符合不懂中文的华人圈而发的。


品葱用户 skunk 评论于 2020-08-08


品葱用户 江沢民 评论于 2020-08-07


品葱用户 peacefulwaters 评论于 2020-08-08

Huawei is not banned in US. It is banned from partnership with wireless carriers, though. This greatly reduces visibility and compatibility in US phone market. However, no contract buyers would still buy Huawei at a discounted price.

品葱用户 procks 评论于 2020-08-08


品葱用户 包装饮用水 评论于 2020-08-08


品葱用户 四邑漁農牧工商總會 评论于 2020-08-07


品葱用户 **upgraded

四邑漁農牧工商總會** 评论于 2020-08-08



]( “/article/item_id-463224#”)

第 8 和 第 9 ~ 很多人在讨论,我记得北斗是可以用好像 sms 的功能而已,这里说的是phone call and data 终身免费。
是真的吗 ?

品葱用户 **四邑漁農牧工商總會

upgraded** 评论于 2020-08-07


第 8 和 第 9 ~ 很多人在讨论,我记得北斗是可以用好像 sms 的功能而已,这里说的是phone call and data 终身免费。
是真的吗 ?

]( “/article/item_id-463291#”)

如果用wifi或限速不限量的3G 4G data,用whatsapp skype之類apps打電話或send messages確實是免費的

品葱用户 **upgraded

四邑漁農牧工商總會** 评论于 2020-08-07



]( “/article/item_id-463317#”)

上面说的是华为安装了北斗接收器,不必 sim 卡,打电话和用 data 是免费的。

品葱用户 **peacefulwaters

upgraded** 评论于 2020-08-07


上面说的是华为安装了北斗接收器,不必 sim 卡,打电话和用 data 是免费的。

]( “/article/item_id-463343#”)

品葱用户 路过怪人 评论于 2020-08-07

Then the question pop up in my mind, 
Which country gov has the strongest monitoring in your phone? 

品葱用户 蹦恰恰嘩啦啦 评论于 2020-08-07


品葱用户 pcpc 评论于 2020-08-07

This is the time for us to f show.! If not one Apple mobile phone can be sold in the Chinese market on the day of release, the US will have no face.!!  





品葱用户 萨格尔王爱宽衣 评论于 2020-08-07


品葱用户 第二次忘記密碼 评论于 2020-08-08


This is the time for us to f show.! If not one Apple mobile phone can be sold in the Chinese market on the day of release, the US will have no face.!!  

只有你中文說NO FACE,人家英美的NO FACE跟你這弱智中文里的NO FACE完全不是同一個意思啊



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