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知乎用户 肖大锤 发表于 11/12/2016


How did Donald Trump win the 2016 US Presidential Election?

If you don’t understand how Trump could win before Nov. 8th, I totally understand you.

If you still don’t understand how Trump won now, you have a serious arrogance and ignorance problem.


I would assume you, the reader to this answer, live in a urban area in either Northeast or the West Coast, college educated, a typical left-wing supporter and advocator for your entire life.

That’s nice. You work in the office with HVAC on 24/7/365. You go to gym after work, watching news from CNN or NBC on the treadmill. Then you eat your dinner out somewhere with a friend, probably not cooking at home. Sometimes you fly between NYC/Boston and LA/SFO for business. When you look down from the plane window and see those endless farmlands and mountains in the midwest, you are thinking “I can’t imagine living a life down there.”

我假设这个答案的读者生活在东海岸或西海岸的市区里,是受过大学教育的人,并且是整个人生都在倡导和支持左翼,很好。你1年365天都在有冷暖空调的办公室里。你下班后到健身房去,在跑步机上或美国有线电视新闻网NBC新闻。然后你和一个朋友在一个地方吃晚饭,可能不在家做饭。有时你会因为工作往返飞纽约/波士顿和洛杉矶/ 旧金山之间。当你从飞机的窗口和中西部地区看到那些无尽的农田和山,你在想“我不能想象那里的生活。”

When you saw Trump won, you were shocked. Holy shit! There’s not a single person around me who supports Trump, how could he win?


That’s where the problem is. You are living in a completely different world than those Trump supporters.


When you refuel your car, have you ever wondered where the gas comes from, if not imported? Who drilled the oil for you?


When you charge your phone, have you ever wondered where the electricity comes from? Who dig the coal to power the plant?


When you shop in the supermarket, have you ever wondered where the fresh vegetables and fruits come from? Who drove the truck all the way from California to New York to deliver those goods?


Those are the people who support Donald Trump. Have you ever talked to anyone of them?

Without you, they can still feed themselves, but without them, you will be starved to death.

So now how could you despise them as “uneducated redneck racists”?

那些是支持唐纳德·特朗普的人。你有没有和他们中的任何人谈过? 没有你,他们仍然可以养活自己,但没有他们,你会饿死。 所以现在你怎么可以鄙视他们为“未受教育的红脖种族主义者”?

When they watch the news, even when watching Fox News, the camera is always on the big cities far away from them. They are ignored, as if they don’t exist in this country. No one pays attention to them, and no one speaks for them, until Donald Trump.


They could drive a truck for $8k a month 20 years ago working 60 hours a week, but now the illegal immigrants are willing to do it at $3k. They lost their jobs.


They could work in a factory for $4k a month 20 years ago, but now the job goes to China and Mexico. They lost their jobs.


You can’t urge a 40-year-old man having a family to raise to go to college again and learn programming. They can’t and they can’t afford.


You also can’t say in 10 years robots are doing the job for them and they should just vanish because they can’t follow the era.


They are human beings. They are lovely nice people. They don’t hate you. They work hard so you can live a comfortable life. Why do you hate them? Why do you label them as racists, xenophobia, bigots without even knowing how hard their lives are?


When they are losing jobs and falling into poverty, they stay at home and turn on the TV, see Obama and Hillary speaking on ABC News: “The biggest problem we are now facing is climate change.”


And they sigh, they switch to Fox News and see Donald Trump speaking on his rally in Detroit MI: “We need to rebuild our inner cities, we need to bring jobs back.”


When they saw Obama visiting NYC after hurricane Sandy in 2012, but was playing golf when the devastating flood in Louisiana destroyed thousands of homes this summer, they knew they were forgotten.


When they saw Trump visiting Louisiana after the flood, a state that he didn’t need to campaign at all, they knew someone actually cared for them.


If you are them, who will you vote for?


They are the silent majorities. They live in your flyover states. They don’t care about LGBT or BLM. They are not racists or homophobia. They just want jobs to feed their families.


Please throw away your arrogance and start to care about those people. They are Americans too. They are more American than you are, since some of your clients and costumers are foreign.


They have no methods to let you hear them. They only have their ballots. They vote to knock you out of your utopia. That’s the power of democracy. That’s why democracy is great. It never ignores anyone.


If you believe your value is progressive and right, you need to help them getting out of their trouble first. You can’t blame and mock them. It will only push them away from you even more.

Trump has been a democrat longer than republican in his life, but he could still defeat 16 republican candidates and won more votes in the primaries than anyone else in the history. This has already proven that the silent majorities are much more tolerant now on social issues. They just want someone to fix the economy for them.


Now it’s your chance to work with them, help them under the 4 years of Trump’s presidency. Stop protesting and introspect yourself. Isn’t your arrogance and ignorance that brought Trump to the White House?




知乎用户 Remn 发表于 11/11/2016


How did Donald Trump win the 2016 US Presidential Election?



Trump won thanks to the Democrats. So if that was your party, you have them to blame.

As a preface, I am writing this from a neutral, objective standpoint.
(感谢李云卿 - 知乎同志的提醒,译者特此申明: 我的译文是相对不理客中的,如果有意见………………………………………….自己憋着,就酱紫,哈哈)

Let’s start with the key factor here. It’s summed up in one slogan:


“The silent majority stands with Trump.”


Remember this quote on those signs being held by his supporters? It served as both a slogan, and, as we have found out…

It was a warning.

A warning that went completely unheeded by every major news outlet. They laughed it off.

“That’s great kids, but Clinton has the vocal majority, good game.”

(因为有评论在批评“good game"的翻译,这里解释下。“GOOD GAME"有形势一片大好,比赛局面优势明显的意思。套用一下网络流行语,就是“躺赢”啦)

And yet the election results prove that the slogan was indeed true. A huge silent majority overwhelmed the predicted polling outcome.

Why was this the key factor?
And why were the polls so radically off?

For starters, the Democrats made a terrible assumption, one that hadn’t caused them any trouble up until now:

They assumed that states that historically voted blue would continue to do so.

And this is where it all goes down. Every polling prediction used this assumption as a starting point, taking them for granted. They focused heavily on battleground states, ignoring the possibility that their home base was susceptible to attack. They ignored the warning of a silent majority.
而这一点,成了他们栽倒的主要原因。所有的民意调查,都把这个预设立场当成理所当然。民主党人也因此将注意力集中在摇摆州上。他们压根没有意识到,在共和党的攻势下,自己的大本营最后都会不堪一击。“沉默大多数” 先前发出的警告,被他们直接无视了。

Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan have been blue 3for the past two decades. This election, each one flipped red, undermining the core of pundit predictions. It was precisely when this flip happened that everyone started panicking and Clinton’s odds of winning plummeted. The silent majority struck, and it struck hard.

But why were they silent up until now?

The Clinton campaign made it acceptable, trendy, and cool to hate Trump supporters

The Clinton campaign colluded with major media news outlets (as evidenced from Wikileaks) and constantly pumped out negative videos of Trump while largely ignoring the constant scandals Hillary found herself in.

In his speeches, Trump often made remarks of certain minority groups. These remarks usually included praise along side criticism, and he usually made sure to add that he didn’t mean to say that a minority group as a whole was to blame.

The news outlets pounced on this. It wasn’t hard, they just had to edit out or not show the parts where Trump explained himself. As a result, the people who actually attended his rallies saw perfectly reasonable statements, and those who didn’t only saw edited footage that showed him making racist and outlandish remarks with no clarification. On top of that, the edited footage was often spliced with cheering from his audience. Any reasonable person seeing a clip like that, without knowing it was edited, would rightly be horrified by both Trump and his supporters.

And so a divide was created.

“Trump is racist and his supporters are racist” became the justification for hating Trump supporters. From that point on, any person who outed themselves as a Trump supporter while in a liberal circle could expect to get shamed. The better option was to stay silent.
“特朗普这个种族主义者,他的支持者也都是一丘之貉” ,痛恨特朗普支持者,于是便有了正当理由。从此以后,自由派圈子里胆敢发声支持特朗普的人,都会被羞辱一番。稍识时务的,唯有保持沉默。

The Clinton campaign didn’t stop there. They paid celebrities large sums of money to endorse Hillary, in an effort to reach a millennial base. They even paid many prominent YouTubers to endorse her, videos of which can be found right now (along with videos by YouTubers who called out that kind of play and refused).

They made it seem like all the “cool kids” were supporting Hillary, and against the evil that was Trump. How does a Trump supporter argue against a pop culture icon telling everyone they are evil? Should probably stay silent instead.
他们玩弄这种伎俩,搞得似乎所有的“酷小孩”都在支持希拉里,都在挺身反对“恶魔”特朗普。 流行文化的标签人物纷纷给大众灌输一个概念: “特朗普就是恶魔的化身”。特朗普的支持者,如何还能与之相抗,自我分辨? 他们只能保持沉默。

With the mainstream media calling out Trump supporters as evil, celebrities saying the same, and even many universities deeming pro-Trump comments as “hate speech”, it’s not hard to see why the silent majority formed and became as potent as it was.

The Democrats tried to show that passing judgment on groups of people as a whole was bigoted. And yet that’s exactly what they did by lumping all Trump supporters into a “basket of deplorables”.
民主党人试图传递这种理念: 将一个群体打上一个整体标签的行为,是一种偏执的成见。可是对待特朗普支持者,他们却把这些人全部丢入“basket of deplorables”(可鄙者联盟?)的范畴里,这难道不是在挖坑把自己埋了吗?

That irony was not lost on the silent majority.

**The DNC collusion against Bernie Sanders created “Bernie bros”
It’s well known now that the Democratic primary was not fairly fought. Bernie Sanders was backstabbed by the very party he was representing, due to its higher financial and political interest in a Clinton presidency. Yet Bernie’s message touched the hearts of many who sought to overthrow the establishment and the system that Clinton represented. When he was betrayed by the DNC, many of his supporters refused to back Clinton, the one who unfairly robbed the man they put their faith in of a fair fight.They saw in Bernie an outsider who would bring change to the system, and who else was a populist icon who also wanted to bring down the establishment?
民主党初选中的种种不公,现在已不是什么秘密。民主党的政治利益和经济利益被捆绑在希拉里·克林顿总统选举的战车上,结果伯尼·桑德斯被自己的政党在背后捅了刀子。伯尼在大选中的政治主张,打动了很多人,尤其那些希望推翻建制派统治的人。 当桑德斯遭受民主党背叛时,许多信仰桑德斯政治主张的支持者,亲眼见证了他被剥夺公平竞争的机会,自然不会再去支持希拉里·克林顿。桑德斯这样的局外人,曾被视作改变体制的希望。联想一下是不是有另一个谁,也被大众视作扳倒建制派的标志性人物?

You guessed it.

Well… you can’t really announce out loud that you were for Bernie and now for Trump. See the point above.

The silent majority grew even more.

Legitimate issues went unaddressed by Clinton

Trump wanted to “Make America Great Again”. How was he going to do this? We still don’t know, but it does involve a lot of winning apparently.
特朗普希望“美国伟大复兴”。怎么做? 谁心里都没谱。但是很明显,这句口号给他赢得很多支持。

But note the starting point. “Making it great again” recognizes that it currently is not. His platform was based around acknowledging that America had problems while under eight years of Democrat rule.
记得文章开头吗? “美国的伟大复兴”这句口号,其实暗中包含着”美国当下现状令人相当不满意”的含义。他的种种政治主张,都有一个前提,即美国这八年,在民主党的治理下,各种问题是层出不穷。

America is suffering. Unemployment is high, and worse, the government is trying to distort statistics to show otherwise, in the hopes of winning another election cycle. Trump identified areas where it was affecting the core bulk of Americans, such as job outsourcing. Did it even matter if he didn’t have a concrete plan? Just saying the problem exists alone let those infuriated by the current system feel that their voices were being heard. “Make America Great Again”, while vague in its means, was nevertheless inspirational in its promised end.
What did the Democrats do to counter this? Remember this attempt?


What did the Democrats do to counter this? Remember this attempt?

在这滔滔民意面前,民主党人却硬要去触逆鳞。 记得下面这玩意嘛?

(图片) 标语:“美国已经很棒哒”

“MAGA” was reaching out to those who felt their concerns were being ignored by the party that had ruled for the past two terms. It showed that their problems were being acknowledged, at the very least. And what voters saw in this attempted rebuttal, was the Democratic party once again sweeping their concerns under the rug, telling disillusioned members who had voted for them before that the country was already great and that no change was necessary.

民主党已经执政两届。民众的一些诉求却一直被忽视, 而这时,“MAGA”运动(译者注:Make America Great Again “美国的伟大复兴” 特朗普的竞选口号)却给他们救场来了。在特朗普的竞选运动中,这些人的诉求至少得到了正面承认与回应。相比之下, 民主党却一直在掩耳盗铃,给选民灌输“美国已经足够优秀,变革没有必要”。结果,曾给民主党投过票的选民,对他们也不敢再抱有任何幻想。

“Make America Great Again” resonated with those who wanted solutions.


Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign struggled for a while to come up with a good slogan. At first, they resorted to simple statements on her website, such as

“We cannot afford a Donald Trump presidency.”



Not too inspirational. Who’s the one running the fear campaign now?

励志吗? 呵呵。要真说谁在煽动恐惧的话,希拉里:


Then they shopped around some more, and ultimately settled on “I’m With Her”. This was used all the way through Election Day.




Not only did their indecisiveness on a catchy slogan hurt their marketplace exposure time (and people who work in branding will know this all too well) but the slogan itself was hardly inspirational to those with legitimate concerns. It simply oozed selfishness.

挑个朗朗上口的宣传标语,他们也迟疑不决,这使得公关时间和媒体曝光度不足,推广效果便大打折扣(品牌行业工作的人对此应该熟之甚稔)。对那些需要渠道发出合理诉求的选民来说,这样的标语有啥子积极意义可言? 它流露的,只有“人人为我”的自私观念。

Voters saw Trump as: “MAGA, we have problems but I will fix them for you”



While they saw Hillary as: “Be with me and help me become president. At least I’m not Trump. He’s racist. Me me me, it’s my turn.”



[插一句:特朗普的群众集会上,喊得最多的是“U.S.A”(也有Lock Her Up; Trump the Bitch);


One slogan was a rallying cry for all of America.

The other slogan was all about Hillary Clinton.




And then we go to the debates.


What did Trump keep on doing in the debates? He kept on highlighting the struggles of the blue-collar workers, even in blue states. Even during questions that had nothing to do with them, he kept on bringing the topic back to why jobs were becoming scarce, and what he would do (albeit vaguely) to fix it. Clinton’s platform was largely focused on still attacking his flaws and defending herself against her own baggage rather than acknowledging the suffering voters in the blue states that she thought were hers from the start.


The silent majority of those states had other plans.


The Emails + Wikileaks邮件+维基解密

I really wonder how Hillary will feel from now every time she opens an email browser and realize what her past actions cost her. The email scandal could have gone away had she told the truth about what it was that she deleted. But she didn’t.


Supporters tried to say that they were insignificant. But if the contents were insignificant, why was she trying so desperately to hide them?







And then there were the Wikileaks, every day pumping out more and more evidence about Clinton’s media collusion, her receiving debate questions ahead of time, proof of the DNC sabotaging Bernie, the questionable use of charity money, and basically verifying that accusations dismissed by the Clinton campaign as conspiracies were indeed true.


While the mainstream media outlets refused to cover this, the silent majority were already committed to learning what they needed to further their conviction.


Liberals who were still with her tried to blow off the whole thing; there was no reason to think that she had committed anything sketchy.


The silent majority had all the reasons they needed.


Vote Wars: Episode III

Revenge of the Si - lent Majority


And then they struck. On Election Day, the silent majority flipped the predictions (by five thirty eight, the supposed gold standard) by turning crucial historically blue states red, and then continuing the rampage. As the map started bleeding red in parts it shouldn’t have, the media outlets panicked. It was easy enough before the election to claim that there was no way for Trump to win, in hopes of discouraging voters. But they were powerless when the actual election was underway.


The above graphic shows how every mainstream media prediction was wildly inaccurate. Many who gambled on the election and lost money can thank the mainstream media for influencing them.


This is a historic election that will go down in the books. Trump fought against a ridiculously large gauntlet of contenders in the primaries, and won. He fought against his own party refusing to back him. He recovered from his own party betraying him after his leaked comments about grabbing women. He fought against every underhanded tactic the DNC threw at him, media collusion, every mainstream media outlet being against him, his supporters being silenced, and won.


Has there ever been another moment in history when a billionaire was the underdog?


Academics, from now and possibly centuries later (if we as a species make it) will study and analyze this election. And I hope that right now, despite almost every liberal crying about how racism and bigotry are what drove these results, that they realize there were many factors at play here.


Racism? This was the same country that elected Obama. Twice. And some states that gave their votes to him now gave them to Trump.


Bigotry? The definition of bigotry is the refusal to acknowledge other viewpoints. And by nonstop claiming it was the fault of a racist country, the losing side is fulfilling this requirement.


Rather, this whole mess was the fault of the DNC, who not only screwed themselves over, in which they deserve the loss, but who also unfairly screwed the members of their own party over, who did not deserve this.


If your side lost in this election, recognize where the blame truly lies. Demonize the other side all you want, but recognize that the very ones who tried to lead you to victory performed selfish actions without your consent, used underhanded tactics, undermined democracy, divided the country by promoting intolerance to different political beliefs, withheld crucial information about your candidate’s shady dealings, and ultimately lost it for you.


You did your part. Your party didn’t.










其实处理正式公文时,我还是规规矩矩,按照公文风格处理的。参见之前的回答中,我翻译的FBI 局长(重启邮件门调查前)通知国会的信函:

如何看待 FBI 在 2016 年 10 月 29 日重启调查希拉里的「邮件门」?


知乎用户 陈健坤 发表于 11/19/2017

我用一本心理学著作解释一下。这本书mistakes were made 是心理学家Carol Tavris 和 Elliot Aronson 写的关于人们的认知盲点,解释了为什么人有很强的倾向不去承认自己的错误。我原本写的是越战这里我删除越战内容只留下用到的psychological blind spot,然后加上一些美国大选的例子

In Mistakes Were Made, psychologists Carol Tavris and Elliot Aronson explored the inherent psychological blind spots that block our abilities to consciously recognize and accept our mistakes. By distorting reality, these blind spots keep us from processing all necessary information to assess issues objectively and skew our reasoning processes systematically. These micro-level findings can also be employed to explain group-level decision mistakes that led to spectacular failures in history.

Confirmation bias refers to the mental contortion for individuals to only pay attention to information that is consonant with their beliefs (22).
比如民主党只看支持自己观点的证据。“没文化的白人都支持川普”。但是没文化的黑墨绿支持民主党的比例高于没文化的白人支持川普的比例。民主党只看见川普涉嫌歧视却从来没意识到自己的侮辱性语言更多。彭斯在VP辩论上就直接抨击所谓的“insult driven campaign”,说川普的言语加起来也抵不上希拉里的“一篮子可悲的人”
“假新闻泛滥”是的,但是fake news outlets 也包括主流媒体

Naïve realism describes the “inescapable conviction that we perceive objects and events clearly”. This phenomenon creates a logic labyrinth leading to the conclusion that people who disagree with us are not seeing things clearly and thus are unreasonably biased (54).

Cognitive dissonance is a state of tension that occurs when an individual holds two cognitions that are psychologically inconsistent. The dissonance creates mental discomfort and the individual will try to reduce the dissonance (16). When an expert made a wrong judgment, the expert usually reduces the dissonance by unconsciously refusing to accept failure. The more self-confident and famous the expert is, the less likely he or she will be to admit mistakes (40).
1。希拉里太无能,川普虽然没有从政经历但是人很聪明,能吸引disenchanted voters。而且能很好的利用大家对建制派的不满拉选票

知乎用户 李京楠 发表于 11/11/2016


Are people who support Donald Trump racist xenophobes? by Ben Skirvin https://www.quora.com/Are-people-who-support-Donald-Trump-racist-xenophobes/answer/Ben-Skirvin?srid=hhZwV&share=0ba78c79


Preface, I did not vote for Trump. But, I want to point something out.

This photograph was taken by a friend of mine who works as a freelance photographer for a variety of national and international publications including Time Magazine.

It was published under a number of rather alarming headlines, including one fromquantz.com which described it as an “apocalyptic” image of the future if Trump won the election.


This puzzled me.


The photo was taken at a campaign rally in Loveland, CO. It is a city of about 50,000 people. Of those, 92.85 percent are Caucasian. The median per capita income in Loveland, CO is about $21,000 per year.

这张照片拍摄于一次在 Loveland, CO 进行的竞选集会。这是一座有50,000的城市,其中92.85%是高加索人(白人),人均年收入是21,000刀。

Up until 1985, a factory run by the Great Western Sugar Company provided most of the jobs. But, that closed and it’s only partially been replaced by a handful of smaller manufacturing plants.

直到1985年,一家叫做Great Western Sugar Company的公司的工厂提供了这里大部分的工作岗位。但是在它关闭后,仅有数家小型的制造厂提供部分的工作岗位。

That’s all demographics and history, but that’s not what puzzled me.


I grew up in the heart of the Rust Belt. My grandfather ran a small town electrical repair shop. My uncle worked in a munitions plant on a military base outside the microscopic town where he was raised. My cousin worked in a factory producing cabinets until he was laid off a few years ago for the third time in two years. Now he strings together part-time work, a convenience store during the day and bouncer at local bar at night.

我在Rust Belt的中心区长大,我祖父运营了一家小的电器修理铺。我叔叔则在家乡的小镇外的军工厂里工作。我的堂兄弟在一家生产柜子的工厂里工作,但很快,他在2年内第三次失业了。现在他白天在便利店,晚上则在当地的酒吧里当保镖。

When I look at that picture, I don’t see racist. I don’t see bigots. I don’t see hillbillies or rednecks. I don’t see deplorables.


I see a bunch of people pretty similar to my grandfather, uncle and cousin.

At this point in my life, I doubt I have many common opinions with those folks anymore.

But, most of them tried to be the best people they knew how to be.


The problem was never that they were bad people.


The problem was that nobody knew how to talk to them in a way that related to their world. It was a failure of imagination. Worse, it was a failure of empathy.

**其实只是没有人知道如何以他们的方式与他们进行交流。**这不仅是想象力( imagination)的失败,这更是同理心( empathy)的失败

Think of it this way.


How do you convince a working class conservative guy from rural western Kentucky to support gay marriage?

你应该怎样去说服一个来自western Kentucky农村的保守的工人去支持同性婚姻呢?

Well, first you imagine the world as he sees it. It’s marketing 101. Know your audience.


This guy doesn’t have much in common with a college educated, middle class, social media marketing director from midtown Manhattan. That’s not a world that he lives in.


He doesn’t have much in common with a Gender Studies professor from Harvard.


So, maybe those are not your best spokespeople.


Surely, there is one gay man somewhere in the South or Midwest working in manual labor. Ideally, he’s a former marine who grew up poor in a trailer park or on a farm. But, he worked hard, joined the military, fought for his country, came home and started a contracting business.


It started out small, but now he’s proud to employ 5 hardworking Americans.


And why does this hardworking American want to talk to you about gay marriage?


Because he loves his husband?


Because he wants to plead for fair treatment?


Because of equality, peace and understanding?


Hell no.


He wants to talk to you about gay marriage because these asshole bureaucrats in Lexington are fucking with his tax bill and the lawyer fees on all this fucking government paper work is bleeding him dry. He wants to file a joint tax return on his business as a married man and these bastard politicians won’t let him, because they’re greedy sons of bitches.


And this is the most important part.


If they’re willing to cheat a hardworking veteran like that, what’s stopping these leeches from coming after you?




You thought this was about equal rights?


You thought this was about properly categorizing various gender identities into their neat little containers?


You thought this was about love and hate and big bearded man in the sky hating gay people?

It never occurred to you that it’s really a tax and regulatory overreach issue.


Some guy working two jobs making $10.50 an hour doesn’t have much time to think about the difference between gender queer and two souls. Nor does he have much interest in learning.

那些打着两份工,每小时赚10.50刀的人才没有时间去考虑性别酷儿(既非男也非女的性别认知)和双魂人(two souls,LGBT的另一种称呼,目前不太明白该怎么翻译)又什么区别,他也没兴趣去了解。

But, by god, he’s right there with you when it comes to lawyers and bureaucrats being assholes and taxes being too damned high. He understands that.


And what about that working class guy?


Where’d you lose him?


Go watch Harlan County, USA and ask yourself if all those union coal miners are dyed in the wool Republicans. That movie is set in 1976 and every last one of those hard-bitten bastards went to the polling booth and proudly voted union blue Democrat.

去看看《Harlan County, USA 》(一部挺老的纪录片,得过奥斯卡,主要讲述煤矿工人发起罢工),问问你自己那些煤矿工人到底是不是彻头彻尾的共和党。在这部1976年的电影这些硬气的老骨头就把票全都投给了蓝党。

Jimmy Carter won Kentucky that year by 7 percentage points.

Jimmy Carter以7个点的优势赢了肯塔基。

Bernie Sanders understood that.

Bernie Sanders再清楚不过了。

He came to deepest red Indiana and he pummeled Clinton in a humiliating defeat. He also won Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota.


His strategy in those states was simple and pure.


Find the nearest group of laid-off factory workers and promise to punish the bastards who closed their factory.


Because that’s what Democrats are suppose to do.


In his heart of hearts, that high school educated factory worker knows with absolute certainty that management is a bunch of greedy bastards who’d lay off good people to save $.02 on the bottom line.


Tap into that rage and turn it into something better.






知乎用户 MaLong码龙 发表于 8/21/2017



中央的嘛。举两个例子,夏村事件后川普乱说话坑人了,Dem 瞬间高潮,但是看看这两份数据:

Survery monkey 民调:46%的人认为夏村事件极右负全责,40%的人认为双方都有责任,9%的人认为左派负全责。

ABC 民调: 62%的人反对拆邦联雕像(27%支持),包括 44%黑人(40%支持),和41%的民主党员。


继续high, 同志们。

知乎用户 知乎用户 发表于 11/10/2016


知乎用户 杨微粒 发表于 11/12/2016

第三章 路易・波拿巴的崛起


知乎用户 Louis Capet 发表于 11/11/2016









知乎用户 叛逆者​ 发表于 11/14/2016




知乎用户 黄续新 发表于 11/11/2016







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