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“……Chhun argues that the sentencing court did not adequately

address three specific issues:

  1. the fact that the entire prosecution of Mr.

Chhun had been politically motivated; 2) the

failure of the government to charge any other

CFF officials for the failed overthrow of Hun

Sen proves that the incident was not believed

that serious by the federal government, and

the failure to charge others involved in the

coup d’état demonstrated sentencing

disparity; 3) the failure of the government to

take any action against Mr. Chhun until the

statute of limitations was about to run proves

that he was not considered a future threat.

The sentencing guidelines in this case recommended a

sentence of “life.” The sentencing judge stated that, in

deciding to sentence Chhun to life in prison, he considered

the § 3553(a) factors. The sentencing court, moreover,

implicitly addressed Chhun’s first and third issues—that his

UNITED STATES V. CHHUN                    25

prosecution was politically motivated and that the delay in

prosecuting him proves he was not a future threat—by

emphasizing the government’s prosecutorial discretion and

the government’s discretion in interacting with other

countries. The court also addressed Chhun’s second

issue—that he was the only CFF official prosecuted—by

noting that he was the leader of the movement. Thus, the

sentencing transcript suggests that the court specifically

addressed Chhun’s concerns, addressed the § 3553(a) factors,

and explained Chhun’s sentence.

Therefore, we conclude that the district court did not

commit plain error in sentencing Chhun to life in prison.

VII.   Chhun’s Sentence          Was    Not    Substantively


Chhun argues that his sentence was substantively

unreasonable because the sentencing court did not adequately

consider Chhun’s “[n]oble” effort to overthrow a “universally

despised despot,” it punished him only because his overthrow

effort “fail[ed] to succeed,” and it punished him for the

purpose of “send[ing] a message” to foreign governments.

The substantive reasonableness of a sentence is reviewed

for abuse of discretion. United States v. Blinkinsop, 606 F.3d

1110, 1116 (9th Cir. 2010). The review must consider the

totality of the circumstances, while recognizing that the

“‘sentencing judge is in a superior position to find facts and

judge their import under § 3553(a) in the individual case.’”

Id. (quoting Gall, 552 U.S. at 51).

We find that Chhun’s sentence was not substantively

unreasonable. The sentencing court gave numerous reasons

26               UNITED STATES V. CHHUN

to support Chhun’s sentence and thereby showed that it did

not abuse its discretion in sentencing Chhun. In addition to

those reasons discussed supra, in Part VI, the sentencing

court also explained that illegal conduct will not be shielded

from punishment just because it is “noble.” The court

rejected Chhun’s pleas for leniency because he caused the

deaths of innocent people. These reasoned justifications for

sentencing Chhun to life in prison show that the sentence was

not substantively unreasonable. Therefore, we hold that the

district court did not abuse its discretion in sentencing Chhun

to life in prison.

VIII. Conclusion

For the above-stated reasons, we AFFIRM Chhun’s

convictions and sentencing in all respects.”

CFF 柬埔寨自由战士被美国政府定为恐怖组织。



我大概摘出报道没有提到的,上面上诉书中的几点讲一下:上诉称:“1: 美国政府起诉他是政治动机(柬埔寨政府要求美国行动;2: 所有CFF领袖只有他一人被起诉,说明联邦政府没有把这个事件视为极其严重的事件,只判刑春一人是选择性执法。;3: 在追诉期即满之时起诉,说明联邦政府不视其为“future threat” 未来的威胁。” 并且要求法庭注意到他尝试推翻一个“广为人知恶名昭彰的政府” 以及他尝试推翻洪森政府属于“高尚”的行为。“美国政府只是为了对外国政府释放信息” “恐怖行为…没有损害美国利益。”


法院维持原判 理由其它点不相干,判决没有“实质不合理的”且 “其行为不能因“高尚”受到保护”。







祝好吧 CFF领袖 春 你是英雄。我会记住你名字的意思:“柬埔寨摩西”。

品葱用户 江世俊 评论于 2020-09-26


品葱用户 另类右翼AltRight 评论于 2020-09-26


品葱用户 ScottY614869 评论于 2020-09-26


品葱用户 李开复反攻大陆 评论于 2020-09-26


品葱用户 **范松忠

李开复反攻大陆** 评论于 2020-09-26



品葱用户 peacefulwaters 评论于 2020-09-25

这算啥,米国著名的白人至上种族主义者Don Black,后来创办了著名的stormfront

品葱用户 **白头山伟人金正恩

范松忠** 评论于 2020-09-25



品葱用户 **范松忠

白头山伟人金正恩** 评论于 2020-09-25





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