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[1]Bryant Paul. Predicting Internet Pornography Use and Arousal: The Role of Individual Difference Variables, The Journal of Sex Research(2009), 46:4, 344-357

[2]Meredith L. Chivers . A brief review and discussion of sex differences in the specificity of sexual arousal, Sexual and Relationship Therapy(2005), 20:4, 377-390

[3]Meston, C.M., Stanton, A.M. Understanding sexual arousal and subjective–genital arousal desynchrony in women. Nature Review Urology 16, 107–120 (2019). 


[4]The science of sexual arousal: Psychologists are gaining new insights into sexual arousal with the help of innovative research methods. 



[6]Canli, T., Gabrieli, J. Imaging gender differences in sexual arousal. Nat Neurosci 7, 325–326 (2004).https://doi.org/10.1038/nn0404-325

[7]Hamann, S., Herman, R., Nolan, C. et al. Men and women differ in amygdala response to visual sexual stimuli. Nat Neurosci 7, 411–416 (2004). 


[8]Does Sexuality Differ for Men and Women? 


[9]Sex differences in the perception of sexual arousal.


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