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Role of nsdA in negative regulation of antibiotic production and morphological differentiation in Streptomyces bingchengensis.J Antibiot (Tokyo). 2009; 62(6):309-13 (ISSN: 0021-8820)Wang XJ; Guo SL; Guo WQ; Xi D; Xiang WSSchool of Life Science, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, China.

Pathway-specific regulatory genes, such as actII-orf4, redD, cdaR and mmyR, are at the bottom of the regulatory network, each controlling one antibiotic biosynthetic pathway.3 Global regulators, such as bldA,4 bldB,5 bldD6 and bldG,7 perform the highest level regulation and affect both morphological and physiological differentiation.8, 9 At intermediate levels in the regulatory cascades, many regulatory genes, such as afsB,10 abaA,11 absB,12 afsK-afsR13, 14 and tcrA,15 and two-component systems, such as afsQ1-afsQ2,16 absA1-absA2,17, 18 cutS-cutR19 and phoR-phoP,20 have been identified, which regulate the synthesis of two or more antibiotics. absA1-absA2, cutS-cutR, phoR-phoP, tcrA and some pathway-specific repressors regulate antibiotic production in a negative manner, as mutations in these genes resulted in the overproduction of the corresponding antibiotic(s). Global regulators may also play a negative role, as in the case of the A-factor receptor protein, ArpA, in Streptomyces griseus. When A-factor is absent, ArpA binds to the adpA promoter and represses the expression of AdpA, which is an activator of a regulon that consists of operons involved in mycelial differentiation and antibiotic production. The arpA-null mutants produced more streptomycin and formed aerial hyphae earlier than the wild-type strain did.21, 22, 23 Recent microarray data have indicated a cross-regulation among disparate antibiotic biosynthetic pathways and even some backregulation from cluster-situated regulators to a “higher level” pleiotropic regulatory gene.24 The identification of new genes that regulate antibiotic biosynthesis and mycelial differentiation is important for understanding the factors affecting antibiotic yield. In this study, we report the identification of a new gene, nsdA, negatively affecting both processes.

Identification of a Gene Negatively Affecting Antibiotic Production and Morphological Differentiation in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2)?Wencheng Li,1 Xin Ying,1 Yuzheng Guo,1 Zhen Yu,1 Xiufen Zhou,1,2 Zixin Deng,1,2 Helen Kieser,3 Keith F. Chater,3 andMeifeng Tao1,*J Bacteriol. 2006 Dec; 188(24): 8368–8375.Published online 2006 Oct 13. doi: 10.1128/JB.00933-06PMCID: PMC1698255

Pathway-specific regulatory genes, such as actII-orf4, redD, cdaR, and mmyR, are at the bottom of the regulatory network, each controlling one antibiotic biosynthetic pathway (4). Global regulators, such as bldA (16), bldB (14), bldD (15), and bldG (5), perform the highest-level regulation and affect both morphological and physiological differentiation (9, 10). At intermediate levels in the regulatory cascades, many regulatory genes, such as afsB (22), abaA (17), absB (7), afsK-afsR (21, 36), and tcrA (33), and two-component systems, such as afsQ1-afsQ2 (26), absA1-absA2 (1, 42), cutS-cutR (8), and phoR-phoP (44), have been identified that regulate the synthesis of two or more antibiotics. absA1-absA2, cutS-cutR, phoR-phoP, and tcrA and some pathway-specific repressors regulate antibiotic production in a negative way, since null mutations in these genes resulted in the overproduction of the corresponding antibiotic(s). Global regulators may also play a negative role, as in the case of the A-factor receptor protein ArpA in Streptomyces griseus. When A-factor is absent, ArpA binds to the adpA promoter and represses the expression of AdpA, which is an activator of a regulon that consists of operons involved in mycelial differentiation and antibiotic production. arpA-null mutants produced more streptomycin and formed aerial hyphae earlier than did the wild-type strain (39). Recent microarray data have indicated a cross-regulation among disparate antibiotic biosynthetic pathways and even some back regulation from cluster-situated regulators to a “higher level” pleiotropic regulatory gene (23).The identification of new genes that regulate antibiotic biosynthesis and mycelial differentiation is important for understanding the factors affecting antibiotic yield. In this study, we report the identification of a new gene negatively affecting both processes.


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