
by Alan w, at 31 March 2021, tags : 闫丽梦 点击纠错 点击删除
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于是闫丽梦向上司,世界卫生组织的,Leo LM Poon教授以及Malik Peiris教授汇报了此事,希望上报世卫组织,在国际上对中共施加压力。
2020年2月3日,中共让石正丽博士在自然杂志上,匆忙发表了,RaTG13蝙蝠冠状病毒与SARS-CoV-2共享96.2%的序列的论调,以支持自然演化说。(有趣的是,相较于石正丽的论文,在同一期杂志发表论文的Zhang Yongzhen博士的ZC45和ZXC21病毒起源说,关注度仅为四分之一不到。)
2020年2月17日,西方27位专家在柳叶刀杂志上,发布了自然起源论,并说其他的观点都是阴谋论。有趣的是,在后续的电子邮件中,我们得知,他们在没有进行任何科学讨论的情况下,为这份文件提供了佐证。更有趣的是,这27位专家,无一例外,都是_EcoHealth Alliance_的成员。这个组织,正好又是石正丽和武汉P4研究所的长期合作伙伴。
2020年3月17日,在中共获得多个奖项的,哥伦比亚大学的Ian Lipkin博士,在自然医学杂志上,再次发表了自然起源说。这篇文章与此前柳叶刀的文章一样,仅有结论,而没有科学依据。
2020年7月14日,闫丽梦在_Fox News接受采访。_
2020年9月22日,该报告遭到了第一次“评议”,Kelsey Warmbrod, Rachel West, Nancy Connell,  Gigi Gronvall在约翰霍普金斯大学健康与安全中心。
两天后,2020年9月24日,四名看似独立的科学家,Takahiko Koyama, Adam Lauring, Robert Gallo, Marvin Reitz发表了第二次“评议”。
2020年10月8日,闫丽梦第二份报告出炉,又再次遭到了霍普金斯大学的,Warmbrod, West, Connell, Gronvall的评议,而这一次,他们的文章按照闫梦丽的说法,就和学校里的学生在应付等级考试一样,仅仅是在文章中堆砌关键词以获取分数,但总体而言,没人能知道他们到底说了什么。最荒谬的是,他们在每一条的引述中,都故意歪曲了报告的原始内容,以提供他们批判的空间。





How Zhengli Shi and her important collaborators (Lanying Du, Shibo Jiang, Ralph Baric, Fang Li, etc.) learned early on the two most essential elements in Spike engineering for human infection: receptor binding and presence of human protease-cleavage site25. (It is also worth mentioning that, Yusen Zhou, husband of Lanying Du and an AMMS expert in the understanding of immune evasion strategies of coronaviruses, suddenly passed away in summer 2020. Right before his passing, on April 29th, 2020, a manuscript was submitted by his research group to Science26. This work described the Spike N501Y mutation, which was later shown to be the determining mutation of the prevalent UK variant B.1.1.7. that emerged in the human population a few months afterwards in the fall.)

The Wuhan Laboratory Origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the Validity of the Yan Reports Are Further Proved by the Failure of Two Uninvited “Peer Reviews” | Zenodo

品葱用户 HatredKiller 评论于 2021-04-01


品葱用户 生当为自由 评论于 2021-04-01


品葱用户 AlanW 评论于 2021-04-01


品葱用户 AlanW 评论于 2021-04-01

Significance in acknowledging SARS-CoV-2 as an Unrestricted Bioweapon
As shown in the remainder of the document, our responses here further prove that the science in our reports is solid and irrefutable. We urge the public and relevant governments to face the truth revealed in our reports: SARS-CoV-2 is an Unrestricted Bioweapon created by the CCP regime. Figure 3. The 2015 book “Unnatural Origin of SARS and Genetic Weapons Based on Artificial Human-Infectious Viruses”. A) Chief editors: Dezhong Xu (Major General of PLA, leading PLA epidemiologist & SARS expert) and Feng Li (Vice Director, Health Bureau of the PLA General Logistics Department). B) Publication details. Publisher: Military Medical Science Press. C) Description of some key features of contemporary genetic weapon in Chinese (top, Chapter 4, Page 85) and its translation in English (bottom).10 The concept of Unrestricted Bioweapon may be new to the rest of world, but to the CCP it is not. Such a novel bioweapon had been developed by the CCP secretly for a long while, and the term “Unrestricted Bioweapon”, which was first coined by us in the second Yan report, describes this novel bioweapon perfectly. In fact, the CCP did not hide its intention here. In a book published in 2015 (Figure 3), a group of CCP’s military virologists/scientists headed by professor and Major General Dezhong Xu described an ideal “contemporary genetic weapon”. The key features of it include: • It would be created in a way that it is practically indistinguishable from a naturally occurring pathogen. This way, “even if scientific, virological, and/or animal evidence were in place (to support the accusation), (one can) deny, prevent, and suppress the accusation of bioweapon usage, rendering international organizations and the justice side helpless and unable to make the conviction”. • Its use is not restricted for military battles, but is for non-military settings where it would be “causing terror (in) and gaining political and strategic advantage, regionally or internationally, (over the enemy state)”. Combining the above descriptions with professor Ralph Baric’s assessment that “you can engineer a virus without leaving any trace”27, people may finally be able to connect the dots and peel off the many layers to access the core of the COVID-19 pandemic. (A future report from us will focus on further describing Unrestricted Bioweapons as well as proposing actions in facing the attack by such a weapon) As revealed in our second report, the scientific misinformation and cover-up by the CCP started before the initial outbreak, which indicates that the release of the SARS-CoV-2/bioweapon was not accidental but should be intentional. Evidence suggests that the outbreak should have originated from community tests of the bioweapon that went out of control. As Dr. Yan shared through the LUDE Media on January 19th, 202010, community testing is a key step of the CCP’s unrestricted bioweapons plan. The goal of community testing could include: 1) To observe the bioweapon’s effect on its intended target – humans; 2) To further adapt the virus in humans and the environment and thereby give the virus a more natural look. However, due to the lack of proper animal models, the CCP scientists should have underestimated the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2 and, as a result, the containment strategy used in the community tests somehow failed, leading to the release of this bioweapon. In a way, intentional release here refers to the conscious actions of the CCP scientists during the community tests – they took the virus out of the P3/P4 laboratory and released it in the community as part of its development. After the virus got out of hand, however, the CCP government did not really control it. Instead, it took advantage of the outbreak and made sure that the virus spread to and hurt other parts of the world by doing at least the following: • It stopped domestic travel and yet allowed international travel from Wuhan. • It hoarded the PPE and thereby greatly worsened the COVID-19 crisis in other countries. Because of the CCP’s long-term planning, which includes pre-installing scientific fabrications28,29 and pre-establishing relationships with certain western experts, organizations, journals, and media, the Unrestricted Biowarfare then took off conveniently around the globe and yet was sufficiently covered up. It is also important to realize that a bioweapon could carry designed and added functions, which naturally occurring pathogens of the same kind may not have. This level of awareness should be the key in finding answers to the many unknowns of the COVID-19 disease. It needs to be investigated whether any of the following symptoms and/or phenomena, which are concerning and somewhat mysterious, be results of artificial design: 11 • Coagulopathy: Distinct from other viral illnesses, coagulopathy is frequently observed in COVID19 patients and is often life-threatening with poor prognosis30-33. COVID-19-associated coagulopathy may occur in a wide range of organs, taking the forms of arterial and venous thromboembolism or systemic microangiopathy34-38. • Neurological damage: Many COVID-19 patients also experience neurological damage39-42, the reason for which is not known and has to be studied carefully. Interestingly, the template viruses ZC45 and ZXC21, upon their discovery, were shown by the PLA scientists to cause brain infections and inflammation in suckling rats43. Coincidentally or not, the E protein, which is associated to neurotoxicity in coronavirus infections44, was kept 100% identical between ZC45/ZXC21 and SARS-CoV-2. • Autoimmune disorders: Overactive immune response contribute significantly to the pathogenesis of COVID-1935,36,45,46. Autoimmune disorders secondary to SARS-CoV-2 infections present similar clinical manifestations as systemic autoimmune diseases and may result in damages in a wide range of organs in many age groups. COVID-19-induced autoimmune disorders include systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)-like syndrome47-49, kawasaki-like syndrome50-53, and immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)54-56. • Long hauler: A significant percentage of infected individuals become long haulers. They develop various complications in multiple systems57-60, which adversely affect the quality of their lives and are very difficult to treat. Diagnosis for long haulers is also difficult. The medical reasons behind and molecular basis of long haulers need to be investigated thoroughly. • Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (ADE): ADE refers to the general situation where certain antibodies generated from the infection of one viral variant may lead to harmful effects during reinfection by a different variant of the virus. ADE is a confirmed phenomenon in SARS, Dengue, and other viral infections. Studies have shown that ADE may exacerbate SARS-CoV-2 infections61-64. While mutant variants of SARS-CoV-2 continue to emerge, understanding ADE may be critical in the treatment and prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infections as well as the development of safe vaccines65. In addition to realizing SARS-CoV-2 as an Unrestricted Bioweapon, people should also come to the realization that the CCP’s Unrestricted Scientific Misinformation campaign is a significant component of this Unrestricted Biowarfare. Many people and organizations were put into work by the CCP and functioned in a highly coordinated manner, including scientific experts (CCP scientists and experts from other countries), scientific journals (Nature, Lancet, etc), research institutions (WIV, AMMS, etc), and international organizations such as the WHO. The Unrestricted Scientific Misinformation campaign not only obscured the artificial nature of SARS-CoV-2 but also led to misjudgements by individuals, governments, policy makers, or even investors, leading to greater medical, social, and economic disorders. Importantly, this campaign is still ongoing. More “novel” animal coronaviruses are going to be published by the CCP-influenced individuals and laboratories and thereby continue to build the falsified theory of SARS-CoV-2 having a natural origin. Similarly, the CCP will continue to use scientists under its control and influence, who often hold high titles, to try to control the narratives using these fraudulent publications. At the same time, Dr. Yan remains committed to revealing the truth of SARS-CoV-2 to the world. Honest discussions that are based on scientific facts and logic are always welcome by Dr. Yan. Dishonest and intentionally misleading arguments, like these two “reviews”, will be exposed as demonstrated in this document. Dr. Yan is open for live debates on any influential platform with any scientist(s) who support the natural origin theory and/or believe that China is not where SARS-CoV-2 originated. Dr. Yan and us co-authors will also produce additional report(s) providing our analyses on important aspects of COVID19. We sincerely hope that our reports, both published and upcoming, would be treated with seriousness 12 that they deserve. We suggest so because we believe the truths in our reports can not only help the global fight against COVID-19 but also awaken the world to take actions to prevent future Unrestricted Bioweapon attacks. Ultimately, the realization of SARS-CoV-2 being an Unrestricted Bioweapon and the current pandemic an Unrestricted Biowarfare makes it clear that the CCP regime is the one responsible for this brutal attack on humanity. The CCP government must be held accountable. If not, it can only be encouraged to commit more crimes and continue to hurt the global community.

品葱用户 幻世醒者 评论于 2021-03-31


品葱用户 **Xinyonghu

								幻世醒者** 评论于 2021-04-01

>> 一旦这种反人类罪行被确证,世界就应该向中共宣战了。这是比切尔诺贝利更恶劣的事。我大逆不道地说一…


品葱用户 Xinyonghu 评论于 2021-04-01


品葱用户 **zhengyi

								幻世醒者** 评论于 2021-03-31

>> 一旦这种反人类罪行被确证,世界就应该向中共宣战了。这是比切尔诺贝利更恶劣的事。我大逆不道地说一…

危险现在不仅仅是中共了 因为中共深度捆绑了科学家。你可以核平北京但是同时也要清除这些科学界败类。

品葱用户 **OldUther

								zhengyi** 评论于 2021-04-01

>> 危险现在不仅仅是中共了 因为中共深度捆绑了科学家。你可以核平北京但是同时也要清除这些科学界败…


品葱用户 **OldUther

								逢坂** 评论于 2021-03-31

>> 都沒人肯背書進行同行審評,當作陰謀論看看就好

科学界也一样受政治影响。In fact,科学界非常受政治影响。科学家们想研究什么,不研究什么,都看拨经费的政客的脸色。


品葱用户 aska13 评论于 2021-04-02

喬良的超限戰不就說了嗎? 為了要對付美國中共必須動用常規戰爭以外的手段.
生化戰就是其一. 按照華大媽質問美國的扇動新疆叛亂, 人家只是一場演講你就拿來當成事實攻擊.
按照相同邏輯, 那超限戰這本書不就是中國對美國實施生化戰的最佳證據?

品葱用户 **逢坂

								OldUther** 评论于 2021-04-01

>> 科学界也一样受政治影响。In fact,科学界非常受政治影响。科学家们想研究什么,不研究什么,…


品葱用户 killreddragon 评论于 2021-04-02


品葱用户 **blahblah

								逢坂** 评论于 2021-04-01

>> 不相信氣候變遷的活樣本?世界各國的學界都被洗腦了?原來全美國沒有幾個人有社會信譽去擔保某人的論…


品葱用户 **OldUther

								逢坂** 评论于 2021-04-01

>> 不相信氣候變遷的活樣本?世界各國的學界都被洗腦了?原來全美國沒有幾個人有社會信譽去擔保某人的論…


品葱用户 theX 评论于 2021-04-02


海航相关 – 极高
墙内轶闻 – 一般
闫丽梦 – 较高
路德 – 一般
G投资 – 较低
xx时间灭共 – 极低

品葱用户 **魔法少女小熊

								Xinyonghu** 评论于 2021-04-03

>> 北京太大北京市民是无辜的,现在有微型核弹精准打击中南海、操人民大会堂和腊肉纪念堂即可,总之天安…


品葱用户 **歲月如歌

								魔法少女小熊** 评论于 2021-04-02

>> 腊肉纪念堂能别拆吗?将来改建成中共罪行展示馆最合适了。


品葱用户 killreddragon 评论于 2021-04-03




品葱用户 逢坂 评论于 2021-03-31



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