西班牙 COVID-19 : 我“宅”在瓦伦西亚的第一天(译文)

by Monawangshanshan, at 17 March 2020, tags : Nbsp To 瓦伦西亚 Time The It 法雅节 Ve




Day one at home COVID 19.

In my few years in Spain I’ve barely seen an anxious face.

For the first time in my life (as a persistent worrier, over-thinker, rational optimist/ pessimist or whatever label you choose to define it as) I found a place where I was at peace with myself. Where the expression ‘no pasa nada’ really felt like a philosophy I needed and had been looking for, for my sanity and for my anxiety. It was the first time I realised feeling truly at home was a mentality, not a place.

Here is a place where the elderly sit together on benches soaking up the sun watching the world go by, seemingly worry free. Where children aren’t scorned for dropping a glass and run free and liberated in the streets and parks and parents don’t worry about them being abducted or falling out of a tree. There is a certain innocence, perhaps an absence of unnecessary worry that made me fall in love with Spain and in particular Valencia.


Today It felt like I had woken up to a new world. Anxious eyes, an echo of a cough and people switch seats in the metro or move to the far end of the carriage. Wild and desperate panic stricken faces crammed the aisles of every supermarket in preparation for what appeared to be the apocalypse.

Fear transmits from one to another powerfully, perhaps more powerfully than positive emotions we radiate.

My point is fear is in the air here and around the world. There is panic spreading through society faster than the virus itself. Fear is what sells our news, is what keeps us buying, of dividing us, of not trying new things.

Here the empty streets and shuttered businesses and cafes bars and restaurants normally filled with laughter, family, early morning boozers and cigar smoke are eerily quiet and closed.

The ‘no pasa nada’ mentality becomes an impossibility when something so incomprehensible has taken place, because we don’t know what will pass. How worried we should be.

It’s 09:02 in my local mercadona supermarket, two minutes after opening time & there is a queue down the street. People impatiently stare at their phones , tapping feet and sighing, chain smoking, nervously listening out for a sniffle or cough, glaring at the door for it to open clutching their mass of shopping bags , many with medical gloves and face masks. Anxiety and desperation is in the air. I make it inside in hope of finding toilet roll but it seems that this is one of life’s great worries, what if I can’t wipe my ass.

My heart beats, hands sweat, brow creases & I back out of there feeling a panic attack building inside me, shortness of breath and dread overcome me. Also the realisation that this hysterical mass shopping is exactly what we should be avoiding. The air full of COVID 19 . Confined and lurking on packages, doorhandles, checkout tills , trolleys, bags, phones,switches. It occurs to me I need to be at home.

So I sit at home and I begin a list of things to achieve during this lock down:

-Clean the house .

After some breakfast and the rain forecast for the next week I decide this number one on the list can wait and I take my book to the port to soak up some sunshine and to try and forget abut the unfurling madness. I swiftly get moved on by an angry security guard who told me it’s irresponsible to be outside. There are people everywhere but perhaps my proximity to the port was his concern. I’m still unsure about this. But I finally decide, fuck it, I’m going home. Where I’m supposed to be right now.


So here I am, I’ve managed an hour without refreshing my COVID 19 stats website, which is impressive given my addiction to seeing the inevitably growing figures. And I’ve managed to restore a sense of calm in my soul. Writing this has been the most therapeutic thing since this began,

For anyone who knows me I’ve always enjoyed a dose of self-isolation. I could quite happily go a weekend or perhaps a week without seeing a solitary soul. The trouble is I can’t stand being stuck in the house. Climbing a mountain or exploring a pueblo it would be different but the reality is I am going to be here alone. I am enjoying this day one of isolation but perhaps this will evolve as the days roll on.

So I think its important to focus on the benefits of this situation.

-We are all being made to re-evaluate the way we live

-To learn the spirit of community / (or not) as toilet roll hoarders are doing in supermarkets across the world

-To reach out to loved ones, to tell it like it is.

-To get things off my chest I’ve been carrying for so long. Things that have weighed heavily upon me

-To be grateful for what we have and to share it if someone else is in need

-To take responsibility for ourselves but also to take responsibility collectively to stop the spread of this virus.

-To achieve and improve the things we would have done had we been given this time at any other point in life

-To face ourselves. And this thought perhaps terrifies me the most but perhaps its something I should have done a long time ago .

-We start to take care of our planet.

-We laugh more, love more, appreciate what we have.

-We realise how fragile and blessed we are to have the gift of life.

-To help strangers

The strangest part of this all here in Valencia is this week should be the noisiest , liveliest, joyous, week in the Valencian calendar. Where fireworks begin before sunrise and continue incessantly for the month. It’s not for everyone but its magical and should be on your bucket-list.

For anyone who hasn’t experienced las fallas festival it is characterised by a collective joy, a tradition spanning decades that is beautifully chaotic, the city descends into a wonderful madness that is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.


So to the children of Valencia Las fallas is like Christmas, in fact it is a thousand times better. The streets are full of huge sculptures, churros and laughter. Music bellows from every barrio and the bars and restaurants are teeming with people of every nationality. It is their pride and joy, their heritage, their very own holiday. As I work with children this week has been an incredibly emotionally draining time as their Christmas cancelled and schools closed and uncertainty grows, it has been tearful and has put out the sparkle in their eyes. Not even the mass of sweets I produced could change the fact that history had been changed here forever. The statues remain in the streets in many barrios, and are a constant reminder of their lost holiday and perhaps more depressingly a constant reminder of the ensuing chaos, of the world as we know it ending. Of a new era of uncertainty.


Many Valencians mortified at the festival being postponed and many quietly relieved that they won’t have to endure a month of fireworks. The dogs perhaps the most relieved sleeping soundly on the sofa rather than scratching at the walls trying to escape the inexplicable barrage of gunpowder.

We are the collective creator of our own agony. It is time for a re-awakening of consciousness when we recognize the best in ourselves and overcome the worst.

Lets stick together

Fight this thing


Support friends families and strangers.



我,无论作为一个长期忧虑者、过虑者、理性乐观主义或悲观主义者,抑或其他可以定义我的标签,第一次找到了一个灵魂自洽的地方。在这里,no pasa nada(西班牙语:没关系),真的像是我需要并且追寻的一种生活哲学。我第一次真正意识到,“在家里”是一种心态,而非地点。







当一些不可思议的事情发生时,no pasa nada的心态就不起作用了。因为我们不知道未来将发生什么、我们需要多紧张。






















在瓦伦西亚,最奇怪的事情莫过于,在瓦伦西亚的“历法”中,这周本应该热闹至极、欢乐至极。烟火与炮竹的声光,在这一个月内,早于黎明,不停不息。虽然不是每个人都可以看到这个盛况,但这绝对应该出现在你这辈子的必做清单上,它真的太梦幻了。对于没有经历过las Fallas(法雅节)的人来说,你们可能无法想象那种全民狂欢的氛围与对几十年袭承下来的喧闹的传统的保护。法雅节期间,整个城市处于一种美妙的疯狂中,这种经历真是无与伦比。












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